The White King's Favorite Comments

  • Roseam

    Yes! Way to tell him how it really is Cessi. His priorities are as twisted as he is.

    09/04/2023 09:15
  • Sabian Teautama

    i love this book ! it’s so unpredictable

    09/04/2023 09:15
  • Pattie Guthrie

    Cessi is a true Queen. Kick his ass girl and save your kingdom.

    09/04/2023 09:15
  • love this story! i hope there os another after!

    09/04/2023 09:14
  • shanaaz shaz


    09/04/2023 09:14
  • Annie Balotti-Paleen

    I LOVE LADY KAREEN!!!!! She Is The Absolute Best! Jenny you make such amazing strong female characters without degrading the men! I Adore your books!!! 🥰

    09/04/2023 09:14
  • Victoria Murray

    I knew Nana was badass inside!

    09/04/2023 09:14
  • Alicia McNeil

    While I agree and am not ready for the book to end, I'm curious to see what Kairen is gonna say and do.

    09/04/2023 09:14
  • Candace Hays

    ohhh , I need more! can't wait till the next chapter!!!! im dying here

    09/04/2023 09:14
  • Cassarndra Skarratt

    my heart breaks for Jin

    09/04/2023 09:14
  • Maria Patricia

    well the truth isn't sweet at all sometimes! omg... now I realized why my husband says that being honest... makes you rude .. most of the times

    09/04/2023 09:14
  • Lally Devon

    yes Nana and Darsan match made in heaven 😘❤️❤️❤️

    09/04/2023 09:14
  • Maria Patricia

    I'm really crying 😭! si excited, happy! thank you so much 🥰 😘 Jenny Fox 🦊 you're awesome ❤️

    09/04/2023 09:13
  • Victoria Murray

    And this should be when Cece is reborn!

    09/04/2023 09:13
  • Cathlyn Nolen-McCollum

    I hope Ashen’s body can fight off the poison and that Jisel is really died she did not have a dragon of her own. Cessilla needs to kick that old man’s butt.

    09/04/2023 09:13
  • BookDragon

    That was an interesting ending to the update!! Why did Ashen cut his hair? 🤔 I am sure Lady Kareen had something to do with that!! 😏 And we will find out in the next update no doubt! I hope Cessilia’s father and Ashen can let go of the past for the sake of Cessilia & peace between their kingdoms!!

    09/04/2023 09:13
  • Zorana Bunjicevic

    do we know when will this book be over?

    09/04/2023 09:13
  • Auras Laura

    girl keep going👏🥰

    09/04/2023 09:13
  • Shotzie

    Hope you feel better soon...... Any chance of getting more then one chapter at a time? This is killing me 😱

    09/04/2023 09:13
  • Ludmila Bacova

    now it's going to be interesting...

    09/04/2023 09:13
  • they need to make a th series of all of these books because this would be awesome to see!!!

    09/04/2023 09:13
  • What an absolutely brilliant chapter! Though my heart breaks for Jinn. Jisel is not worthy of any dragon’s loyalty.

    09/04/2023 09:13
  • Michelle Tittle-Aipa

    rest up, Jenny!

    09/04/2023 09:13
  • Soph Hugh

    I really like Darsan 💛💙💛💙

    09/04/2023 09:13
  • Mewsie

    I see a marriage proposal after he gets the family’s blessing

    09/04/2023 09:13
  • Keri Nathan

    much better.. awesome chapter

    09/04/2023 09:13
  • Woodenheart Plaza

    i love it😍😍 getting more and more intense.

    09/04/2023 09:13
  • Angelina Weller

    yay! Welcome back CeCe!

    09/04/2023 09:13
  • Allison Elizabeth Patel

    CECE!!!! Jesil didn't listen now she will go to her grave.

    09/04/2023 09:12
  • oh! how this old matriarch gets into everything?! I love this book! I hope you will continue the dragon empire legacy….

    09/04/2023 09:12
  • cindy bruneau

    OMG!!! love it! can't wait for the epilogues

    09/04/2023 09:12
  • Selene Murf

    OMG!! Thank you Jenny

    09/04/2023 09:12
  • Jennifer L. Giambrone

    oh my gawd!! I need more!

    09/04/2023 09:12
  • Esther Thieme

    ooo ook yes happy Tears in my Eyes you did it again Jenny!!!!! really love you're books

    09/04/2023 09:12
  • Auras Laura

    this is a good fight👏👏

    09/04/2023 09:12
  • this so needs to be a movie or a book!!! the story is captivating and now I’m on the edge of my seat waiting for more!!! Cessi and CeCe are the bomb!!!

    09/04/2023 09:12
  • Roseam

    I love all the twists and turns of this story. Another great update thanks Jenny. 💜💜💜

    09/04/2023 09:12
  • SvS 🐝

    I have a big smile on my face and cannot wait to find out who it is

    09/04/2023 09:12
  • Jael Brown

    Nana our hero, I just love her so much

    09/04/2023 09:12
  • Lally Devon

    Finally alone time for Ashen and Cessi might be a bun in the oven 👶 soon means Cece is going to have her baby 🐉 too I’m hoping 🙏 😊 love 💕 so bloody good Jenny Fox 🦊 😘❤️❤️❤️

    09/04/2023 09:12
  • If it's the last I hope it's a long one. Hate to see it head. Maybe a hint of book 3🤔🤔❤️❤️❤️❤️

    09/04/2023 09:12
  • Cindy A

    I love this book and so.perfect for darsan no joke... I can't wait for the next update.. what will happen next I hope Cessi handles the dragon and Jisel so she can help Ashen

    09/04/2023 09:12
  • it’s. CECE!!

    09/04/2023 09:12
  • Ann Poiron

    Jisel bought this on herself. Never piss off a Dragon! Goodbye Jinn, goodbye Jisel - you both are dead. Cessi has accepted her pain and betrayal to her own dragon Cece. She is the War God Daughter and she has Dragon blood in her veins - you push her, and now you’ll both die! Amazing chapter!!!

    09/04/2023 09:12
  • Cathlyn Nolen-McCollum

    Granny rocks I love this story all the couples and details

    09/04/2023 09:12
  • Auras Laura

    well done girl give her hell👏👏

    09/04/2023 09:12
  • Jael Brown

    Is it CeCe, or all of the other dragons of the dragon kingdom with the War God? I wish tomorrow was Tuesday so we could find out what is going on

    09/04/2023 09:11
  • putu juniantari

    what??who??goooodddd we have to wait again 😭😭😭😭😭

    09/04/2023 09:11
  • Soph Hugh

    go Cessilia!

    09/04/2023 09:11
  • AuroraMoon

    Love this whole series!! Ohhh!!

    09/04/2023 09:11
  • Reader-986715

    water dragon maybe??!!

    09/04/2023 09:11
  • AibeeBaby

    okay ….. I’m literally done this chapter was the shortest chapter ever

    09/04/2023 09:11
  • Cathlyn Nolen-McCollum

    finally Cessilla is back stronger and clear speech with her dragon .. the Queen is ready to kick butt

    09/04/2023 09:11
  • I hope we get a Nana and Darsan book 📖🙏💕

    09/04/2023 09:11
  • Reader-289700

    love this story can’t wait for the next update

    09/04/2023 09:11
  • luv this!!

    09/04/2023 09:11
  • oh! I totally love this book!! I hope Jinn finally gets all the TLC he deserves.

    09/04/2023 09:11
  • Cathlyn Nolen-McCollum

    No stuttering the healing process is in full effect Cessilla is back.

    09/04/2023 09:10
  • Sheila Oaks

    I knew cecropia couldn’t be dead!

    09/04/2023 09:10
  • Maria Patricia

    that was really good ☺️💓

    09/04/2023 09:10
  • Reader-357899

    AH the moment we’ve been waiting for!!!

    09/04/2023 09:10
  • Ann Poiron

    OMG! Nana and Sir Dragon! can’t wait to see Krai and her fighting against the yekara tribe. they are so screwed! can’t wait until the next update!!!

    09/04/2023 09:10
  • Bonib2

    lmao, Lady Kareen rock ❤❤❤

    09/04/2023 09:10
  • LunaTic


    09/04/2023 09:10
  • Go nana!

    09/04/2023 09:10
  • Jael Brown

    It time for Jisel the Jezebel to take her final now since she chose not to bow out. Lord Yucky is such a coward having everyone fight his battles for him. His butt will never grace the throne.

    09/04/2023 09:10
  • Soph Hugh

    hope you feel better soon! your stories always help me through migraines (like the brutal one I am having now) and other illnesses. I hope there is something that you can do to distract yourself from any discomfort.

    09/04/2023 09:10
  • Xena

    ohhhhh I have a feeling Cece is back!!!!!! I would hope so

    09/04/2023 09:10
  • Maria Patricia

    so adventurous ☺️💓! thank you Jenny Fox ❣️🦊

    09/04/2023 09:10
  • Kai3023

    nooo not yet!! I’m not ready for this to end!! 😩😩 Ashen made me cry 😭😭 thank you for this beautiful book!! 💕💕

    09/04/2023 09:10
  • Maria Patricia

    I'm eating my nails 🤣...

    09/04/2023 09:10
  • estacey003(😉)

    this happens when I binge read.. now I gotta wait anxiously now😭🙆‍♀️. I need more😍

    09/04/2023 09:10
  • cindy bruneau

    someone is about to get her ass kicked

    09/04/2023 09:09
  • Kathryn Ngatuakana

    darsan got some mad strength alright, but will most probs buckle when he gets just even a glare from his father 😂😂😂he cant help that he gets to carried away lol nana will get use too it but easily put him in his place if need too.. darsan probably as big and buff as kairen or even bigger and with the strength of kairen dang nana got her protection on lock.. she gaining more courage and confident slowly though good for her, maybe darsan or the girls can teach her a bit of fighting skills.. cant wait for the next chapter..

    09/04/2023 09:09
  • No stuttering!

    09/04/2023 09:09
  • Desi

    This story is just fantastic.

    09/04/2023 09:09
  • Reader-925504

    love Nana so much!!! she is such a tough cookie!!!

    09/04/2023 09:09
  • AibeeBaby

    I find it crazy when people ask for longer chapters or multiple updates at once you jump on their necks like people aren’t entitled to their own opinions…….. anyway hope you feel better soon Jenny your cliffhangers are the best as usual please stop making my as* itch though 😂😂😂 I’m just ready for Jisel to be eliminated

    09/04/2023 09:09
  • We need to read about the reaction of the whole family as Ashen asks for Ceci's hand in marriage. Also what happens to Darsan and Nana and if Kassian ever decides to ask Lady B out. 😬 I would live to see her parents reaction when they see Cece.

    09/04/2023 09:09
  • I’m with Ashley Lack!! the same ending you didn’t d for the War King’ Favorite. thank would like be to see a 3rd book and g Dran and Nana and her other siblings and her cousin too.

    09/04/2023 09:09
  • Kathryn Ngatuakana

    look after yourself jenny and get better soon.. cant wait for the next update for all stories.. cece is coming back yaaaas girl, we are in there.. bye jisel

    09/04/2023 09:09
  • abobda’sgirl

    wonder if they made a little one🙏

    09/04/2023 09:09
  • Soph Hugh

    yay brothers!

    09/04/2023 09:09
  • Karna Allen

    i want more than one more chapter, I want a whole nother book! i want to see thier whole story and the future of thr two kingdoms!

    09/04/2023 09:09
  • Reader-925504

    heck yeah!!! CeCe is back!!!! and again…Jisel projecting her insecurities…she’s the weak one who has to depend on her brother’s dragon. and now that it’s a fair fight she’s going to run like a scaredy-cat

    09/04/2023 09:09
  • Madi Rose


    09/04/2023 09:09
  • love but it takes say to long to get to the point in some of the chapters.. also I'm waiting for the romance to start 😅😅

    09/04/2023 09:09
  • Karna Allen

    time for another update! a week between chapters is too long!

    09/04/2023 09:08
  • Soph Hugh

    I am having palpitations

    09/04/2023 09:08
  • Meg Roberts

    Cessi!!!! yes!

    09/04/2023 09:08
  • Callie-001722

    Go Cessi. But don’t kill the dragon.

    09/04/2023 09:08
  • Auras Laura

    funny 🥰🥰🥰

    09/04/2023 09:08
  • Kathryn Ngatuakana

    jisel can go jump off a chiff for all i care, cessi should have killed her in the cave str8 up

    09/04/2023 09:08
  • I hope is cece with the war god!!!

    09/04/2023 09:08
  • Bonib2

    Oh My God, Magenta!!!!. Yessssss 🥰🥰🥰🥰

    09/04/2023 09:08
  • Tanya Rene Crisco

    I love this book I hope it'a Cece and krai reminds me of toothless on how to train a dragon , and I can't wait read what's coming

    09/04/2023 09:08
  • Marta Soler Prieto

    Keeps getting interesting

    09/04/2023 09:08
  • Victoria Murray

    Oh Jisel, poor unwanted, pathetic Jisel. You are so dead.

    09/04/2023 09:08
  • Meredith Alvarez Gomez

    I hope you make more to these stories so it doesn't just end with this one like the other minnie stories u have done

    09/04/2023 09:08
  • Pattie Guthrie

    Loved this update.

    09/04/2023 09:08