The Songbird's Love Comments
I love every scene of them together, can’t wait for more 😍😍😍😍😩😩😩
09/04/2023 07:53Alicia Flores
I Love Dante 😍😍😍😍 he is so hot and in control 💖💖💖💖 I wonder where did C went? I hope she doesn't go back to the core and betray Eden
09/04/2023 07:53Reader-555364
Love it!!! 😁❤️😁❤️😁❤️
09/04/2023 07:53I feel like the Master is the same guy who created the Core that had disappeared shortly after the system started getting rid of all those smart enough and knew more.
09/04/2023 07:53Julia Lehmann
The big tiger is impatient 🙈 so sweet
09/04/2023 07:53Moonlight Muse
oh wow 😱😱😱 adam
09/04/2023 07:52🤩😘😍
09/04/2023 07:52Kelly Kearby
dante's dad?
09/04/2023 07:52Lally Devon
loir is killing me the words that come out of his mouth utterly hilarious 🤣 I love Eden she’s amazing 🤩 😘❤️❤️❤️🦊
09/04/2023 07:52Ieva Igaune
That was perfect 😍
09/04/2023 07:52Hot, Hot, Hot, GIIIIRRRLLL/LLLAAADDDY! Yes! 🤣🙂
09/04/2023 07:52Taina Iosefo
Hahaha Dante is getting restless without any kind of contact with Eden. Better get her back to him quick before a war breaks out. Love how protective or overprotective he is of Eden. Love their relationship and this story!! Thank you Jenny!! 🥰
09/04/2023 07:52Beatriz Astorga Morales
Hmmm, I can’t trust Circé it seems like she’s still waiting for the Core to indulge her 🤔🤔🤔
09/04/2023 07:52Roseam
Genetic rewiring... cool! Hopefully they've got themselves another aly.
09/04/2023 07:52Drawkser
love it as always !!!😍😍
09/04/2023 07:52Satrupa Mohapatra
wild kitties...😉😉😉😉
09/04/2023 07:52dante the protector
09/04/2023 07:52shanaaz shaz
09/04/2023 07:52Edina Owens
oh no.. eden plsss be safe!!!!!!
09/04/2023 07:52k@tie
could it be Jack? and that’s why Dante said “you don’t need to save him”..? that was bothering me
09/04/2023 07:52I’m sure we all know Dante is head over heels for Eden! I just really hope they can open up about each other and maybe one day she can open her heart to Dante too. I’m ship them so bad!!
09/04/2023 07:52linda
So exciting. Bringing out the popcorn. 🤓🍿
09/04/2023 07:52Kelly Kearby
lior is hilarious
09/04/2023 07:52Loir is the funniest wacky character ever, I just love his sense of humor so much Sorry not sorry 😅😅😅😂😂
09/04/2023 07:52Alicia Flores
oh my 😱 it was Dante's dad that was working with them... maybe there is more info in the Tiger territory
09/04/2023 07:52Reader-397104
glad C with them!
09/04/2023 07:52PramG
OMG, Eden agrees to marry Dante!!!😍. Can’t wait for the next update!🥰
09/04/2023 07:52Tara Holland
lllooovvveee it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!😍
09/04/2023 07:52Taina Iosefo
What the what.... Dante is really Adam??? So the previous Tiger knew about the memory thing and made him and that’s why he can’t remember a whole lot either. But wait.. Adam is more of a friend she met right not her real brother???
09/04/2023 07:52Zophia Marques
Arghh... I ship them so bad. . I hope Circe stays true to they're alliance
09/04/2023 07:52Roseam
Everyone is out for themselves in their world. It's sad but understandable. The Asian woman is a shark, I wouldn't trust her either. I'm curious about Eden's debt. Dante would help her but she's so independent and secretive. George will tell him what he overheard.
09/04/2023 07:51Maria Patricia
ohhhhhhhh so funny! they jealous each other ao much! I'm loving it! poor George... he may also wanted Rose to ride the same car!
09/04/2023 07:51Roseam
Interesting headquarters and people. Loir being Loir as per usual.
09/04/2023 07:51Nikki
I love them together 😍
09/04/2023 07:51I'm almost surprised Eden didn't are the connection sooner considering she just had a meeting with A
09/04/2023 07:51Lally Devon
09/04/2023 07:51Reader-986715
I just love Dante
09/04/2023 07:51Drawkser
so good 😍 I can’t get enough of this book
09/04/2023 07:51NINJA
This is great! So detailed and so many good characters 💕
09/04/2023 07:51Robin
Oooooooo. They want the Architects daughter. Circe is keeping her busy until they get there. French Toast this is making me crazy 🤦🏻♀️
09/04/2023 07:51Reader-986715
triple dog dare dammmmmn
09/04/2023 07:51Taina Iosefo
Hmmm I wonder if A. is PAN maybe... helping Eden and maybe keeping an eye on her as well. Not sure but just a thought. Hahaha Dante is finally speaking his suspicions about Eden being Ghost and seeing what she’ll say or do now that he asked her. Can’t wait for the next update!!
09/04/2023 07:51Lillianne Huntley
Jealous Eden is dangerous Eden
09/04/2023 07:51Mizz Meka
09/04/2023 07:51Reader-555364
Am rubbing hands together with glee at this plan! 😁😁😁
09/04/2023 07:50Lillianne Huntley
C is definitely working for Dante so as to watch over eden
09/04/2023 07:50britany wallace
I just love this story so much!!!
09/04/2023 07:50Lei Kela
kindly refresh my memory, who is The Edge?
09/04/2023 07:50Reader-986715
im dying here without an update!!
09/04/2023 07:50Lally Devon
🤣 Loir cracks me up he is hilarious 😂 😘💕
09/04/2023 07:50Erica Lipanovich
I have no finger nails left.....
09/04/2023 07:50Mizz Meka
Dante making her swoon in such a serious situation 💞💞
09/04/2023 07:50monteange
is the architect eden's absent father. she had to leave at a young age from the core with no warning. maybe he is Pan too which is why he is so good and taught Eden everything. fang too many theories in my head now.
09/04/2023 07:50I feel like Master is the architect and it's only his subconscious or an AI version or something of him that's floating around in the core lol
09/04/2023 07:50Reader-555364
awesome as always 😁
09/04/2023 07:50Lizelle Nel
Could the Architect be Eden previous master? I assume se is about 20 years or more
09/04/2023 07:50Anne Embery
nothing ever goes smoothly 😒. I hope they're successful 🙏
09/04/2023 07:50omgggg😂😂 Dante is wearing that lipstick stain as a mark of honor. I expected no less from this man 😏🤪
09/04/2023 07:50Wait for real??? Loir was part of the edge???
09/04/2023 07:50Izzy_143
Loving the story, can’t wait for more!!! Great work author!!!
09/04/2023 07:50Rose is a wildcard. Not sure she’s going to play her hand yet though. If she betrays Eden now, she also risks Jack’s safety and although she’s a very self-centered character, I don’t feel this is the opportunity she cashes her chips in on. As usual, awesome storytelling Jenny! Looking forward to more.
09/04/2023 07:50Reader-939012
the mother story is really bothering me - who was the woman she was talking to as her mother earlier than if she was shot and killed on the spot? so confused.
09/04/2023 07:50Winter Rose
I really enjoy these two. How fun
09/04/2023 07:50Taina Iosefo
Oooohhhhh so he does know.. hahaha Eden better be careful with him.
09/04/2023 07:50Erica Lipanovich
I love their interactions!!
09/04/2023 07:50Roseam
Girl Scout cookies. 😂😂😂 I think the girls will make excellent bait! Dante isn't happy!
09/04/2023 07:50Edie Gyorki
Jenny, I have no interest in fighting scenes or the "dive" world of your books, HOWEVER, I still LOVE your books. Your writing is beautiful, conversations between characters witty and real and the internal dialogue brilliant. You are so talented. I wait daily for your updates and love the worlds, situations and characters you create. they have depth and soul. And sometimes as a bonus manhood sex life. 😉
09/04/2023 07:50💟💟💟💟💟
09/04/2023 07:50Alicia Flores
I just lovr Loir hahahah and I knew that C was up to something but I think Loir is a better hacker you show her Loir 😁😁😁
09/04/2023 07:49Alicia Flores
these is going to be so intense 😬😬😬
09/04/2023 07:49Auras Laura
entertaining loce them both😊 have a great year Jenny😊
09/04/2023 07:49Beatriz Astorga Morales
I do believe Rose is going to betray Eden... And what is worse, Rose knows Eden is Dante’s weakness 😭😭😭
09/04/2023 07:49Cristin Ronqvist
Omg amazing just splending🤣❤️❤️❤️
09/04/2023 07:49Reader-555364
that “C”! We all knew she wasn’t what she claimed / pretended to be! 😳
09/04/2023 07:49Ludmila Bacova
this was so much fun to read 😂🤣😂
09/04/2023 07:49Beatriz Astorga Morales
Loir is terribly adorable! 🥰🥰🥰
09/04/2023 07:49Auras Laura
09/04/2023 07:49mvdb
its getting hot in here🥵🥵
09/04/2023 07:49Cristin Ronqvist
Ohoh omg its amazing just amazing Jenny thank you for another awsome chapter 🌹❤️🕊️👑
09/04/2023 07:49I love this book!! you’re characters are amazing and intriguing and relatable as always.
09/04/2023 07:49Roseam
Hahaha..... (pets) "I'm talking about Loir." "Me too." Hilarious! And Dante loooves teasing her. 💜💜💜
09/04/2023 07:49Beatriz Astorga Morales
It’s so hot Eden’s jealousy and possessiveness showed to Dante 😅🥰 I already love this couple 🤜💥🤛
09/04/2023 07:48Roseam
The Zodiac's are all interesting and unique so far. Hmmm... a Ghost reference, how will Eden react to that? Probably kick his arse later. 😊
09/04/2023 07:48PG25
In love with Dante 😂 no f*cks given
09/04/2023 07:48Raluca Iolanda Dragoi
I love this story. I like Dante sooo much...and Eden she is soooo smart and sassy and sensible. And I think they are falling in love. Can't wait for next chapters!!!
09/04/2023 07:48Winter Rose
Great chapter
09/04/2023 07:48Sheetu Zutshi Bhat
welcome back.. this is a great story and i love it 💕
09/04/2023 07:48Satrupa Mohapatra
Marry Christmas Jenny have a happy and safe Christmas with your family and friends ♥️
09/04/2023 07:48Beatriz Astorga Morales
So sexy!!! 🥰🥰🥰
09/04/2023 07:48Floryna AO
wow! I always read your books and loved them ❤ but this one really surprised me, the environment is something I didn't expect. Great work 👏👏
09/04/2023 07:48Reader-555364
the plot thickens 😁💪
09/04/2023 07:48Sarah Alto
I love this story so much. Jenny, you are an amazing writer. Thank you
09/04/2023 07:48Pey Phang
love your work Jenny!
09/04/2023 07:48anna sota
for gods sake this is just a fantasy story and she uses the chines zodiac names mostly, which symbolise animals. so how she should called them. rat is a rat monkey is a monkey. in my opinion the biggest mistake she mad was, just not sticking to the original Chinese zodiac names and started to experiment. that is all. besides that what’s offended me the most is that one group is making a big fuss of Jenny being racist, but all I could read in their comments started with “you white people”, “you white girl”. how does is sound? and because I am a Caucasian race I cannot be offended? it is only reserve for black people to call other racist?
09/04/2023 07:48PramG
OMG! I can’t believe Dante just shot Rose. Loir is so funny... he is having too much fun.
09/04/2023 07:48Who such a big revelation and I feel Circe is going to be a big asset from now on.
09/04/2023 07:48Beatriz Astorga Morales
Dear Jenny, you are a genius!!! I love the so different ways all of your characters show their naughtiness, hotness and passion 👍👍👍 Good Kitty??? So so funny and tender 🥰🥰🥰 What a powerful couple!!! 🤜💥🤛
09/04/2023 07:48Cristin Ronqvist
Lol 😳😂😂😂😝 i LOVE LORI 😂🥰💪❤️ That face eat crazy guy i love it Jenny so mutch fun and laughing that tears streaming 😂 cant wait for more chapters 😍❤️🕊️
09/04/2023 07:48rosie
these cliff hangers though 😫 where is Circe? and omg Dante loves him some kitty 😅
09/04/2023 07:48Kelly Kearby
love this story!
09/04/2023 07:48