The Songbird's Love Comments
Jennifer L. Giambrone
that was awesome ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
09/04/2023 08:58Maria Patricia
it was too emotional! loved it 🥰
09/04/2023 08:57Web Bookworm
maybe the governor is Adam! I feel like we are going to know him from somewhere previous in the story...
09/04/2023 08:57I’m having anxiety about Dante 🥺🥺🥺💔 how he said she will be ok and not they as in them 😔 I really really love Dante! I hope he and Eden don’t die! or Prometheus 😭 thank you for another update Jenny! I love it!!
09/04/2023 08:57SvS 🐝
pan is already my hero ♥️
09/04/2023 08:57Wow, Pan, This is so incredibly sad.
09/04/2023 08:57Kat M
that's so sad!
09/04/2023 08:57Maria Patricia
i really liked the end! thank you for this amazing , brilliant, emotional, adventurous, romantic story! i really enjoyed this journey 😌❤️💖 Jenny Fox 🦊 you're awesome!
09/04/2023 08:57Reader-397104
love the update! what’s going to be next?
09/04/2023 08:57Every chapter is one cliffhanger after the other! It’s so good!
09/04/2023 08:57Auras Laura
i am sad that is finnished😔 congratulations Jenny, you're great🥰
09/04/2023 08:56Auras Laura
my god sad but good🥰
09/04/2023 08:56Beatriz Astorga Morales
So sad! So terrible way to know about his older brother… 🥺🥺🥺
09/04/2023 08:56Alicia Flores
I feel so bad for Pan 😢 I really hate the Govenor 😡 I hope Eden finds a way to end these madness but maybe Pan wil be no more 😰😰😰
09/04/2023 08:56Soph Hugh
oh my heart!
09/04/2023 08:56Maria Patricia
and yes... Loir.... missed him ❤️
09/04/2023 08:56Sky Queen
It took a lot in me not to cry
09/04/2023 08:56Soph Hugh
heavy chapter! poor Eden doesn’t catch a break
09/04/2023 08:56Ieva Igaune
The last sentence is epic 🤣🤣
09/04/2023 08:55Silky Gupta
09/04/2023 08:55SvS 🐝
I’m so excited to read the next chapter but also terrified thinking of possible outcomes 🙈
09/04/2023 08:55SvS 🐝
what a great epilogue! thank you Jenny for giving us such a greae story 🥰
09/04/2023 08:55shanaaz shaz
09/04/2023 08:55Beth Wiles
I cried…so heartbreaking. Great writing,thank you so much Jenny
09/04/2023 08:55Beatriz Astorga Morales
Poor Eden if she needs to choose between destroy the Core or kill his older brother 😭😭😭
09/04/2023 08:55Web Bookworm
Still crying ❤️❤️❤️
09/04/2023 08:55Beatriz Astorga Morales
My god!!! what a sad story about Pan… 😭😭😭 But I like the way he has taken care of Eden… 🙏🙏🙏
09/04/2023 08:55Nancy
Something tells me that Pan’s brain is in one of those tanks and his consciousness is trapped in the core 😢
09/04/2023 08:55oh my heart!!!! please, don’t let anymore die Jenny 😭💔💔💔 she can’t lose Dante, not the only last person she truly loves and needs the most 😭😭
09/04/2023 08:55OMG! a young Loir… is it too much to hope Pan was able to warn him in enough time to get him out of the building? I still can’t wrap my head around him being dead.
09/04/2023 08:55Meredith Boswell
how perfect but wretched of an ending. I love it
09/04/2023 08:55Mia
#92 First of HAPPY BIRTHDAY JENNY 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 🥰🤗😘♥️🎁🎈🌈🍀🍾🧸🛍🪄 🎂🎊🎊🎊❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🎊🎊🎊 Hoping your day will be amazing, filled with lots and lots of lovely surprises 🥰🤗🎊🎊🎊
09/04/2023 08:55Mia
#92 First of HAPPY BIRTHDAY JENNY 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 🥰🤗😘♥️🎁🎈🌈🍀🍾🧸🛍🪄 🎂🎊🎊🎊❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🎊🎊🎊 Hoping your day will be amazing, filled with lots and lots of lovely surprises 🥰🤗🎊🎊🎊 Second Holy…..🤯🤯🤯🤯 This chapter was intense and soooo much mooore… Loved every bit! Felt like really I was in there next to Eden🔥🔥🔥 Thank you for this amazing story! xoxo
09/04/2023 08:55Mia
Really good update Jenny xx Thank you!!
09/04/2023 08:54Andreea Melinda Mirza
Oh no! 🙀
09/04/2023 08:54Christina Nevarez
#85 Crazy I just decided... Loir has to be alive, Jenny wouldn't let those puppies die, if Loir died, who saved the puppies!?
09/04/2023 08:54Bonib2
Darn, cannot wait for the next update Jenny. I hope they make that governor eat his words.
09/04/2023 08:54who is here seeing the correlation with what's going on in the real world and this? it's like 1984. imagine 100 year and they read this like OMG.
09/04/2023 08:54Alicia Flores
I wonder where is Pan 🤔 is he the one who does the experiments? is he a prisoner there? did the Core colect only his brain or something ceepy like that?😲😵 I need an update 😬
09/04/2023 08:54Iani328
worst cliffhanger ever!!! I don’t think I can’t wait anymore! I need resolution Jenny! great chapter though. :)
09/04/2023 08:54Reader-397104
wow very action packed update and the cliffhanger. How is he and Pan on the same floor?
09/04/2023 08:54Omg… I just found the translation of the French song Loir was singing. It’s a bit sad, given the situation. Look up “Non, Je ne regrette rien” by Edith Piaf. It means “No, I don’t regret anything” 😭😭😭
09/04/2023 08:53Each chapter gets better and better!
09/04/2023 08:53SvS 🐝
noooooooo not Loir!!
09/04/2023 08:53hpearce15
Wowzers Jenny that last bit I was holding my breath! I hope it’s not as it seems in this case!
09/04/2023 08:53for me, the best cliff hanger of all your stories yet!
09/04/2023 08:53Anne Embery
this is so exciting, I almost feel like I'm there lol.
09/04/2023 08:53Mina
Loir, you brilliant crazy cat 💔❤️💔
09/04/2023 08:53nemone van Der bliake
it's getting so tense and exciting
09/04/2023 08:53Maria Patricia
well dear Jenny Fox 🦊 thank you once again for another amazingly perfect story! too emotional, adventurous, romantic fantasy! i really loved it 🥰❤️ you are a brilliant Author! please, please never stop writing! i hope we readers make your hard work worth it ❤️ Good bye songbirds love!
09/04/2023 08:53SuperWhoFly
Maybe his mind is going to be with them in the computers?
09/04/2023 08:53Reader-671139
Such a great ending :-).
09/04/2023 08:52oh Dante 😂🖤🖤 he’s definitely my type and my favorite 😏🖤🖤🖤
09/04/2023 08:52awesome chapter.
09/04/2023 08:52xian
so good!!
09/04/2023 08:52Hehhe love Dante's personality
09/04/2023 08:51shanaaz shaz
09/04/2023 08:51nfau4714
I know wexre all hoping for a lil plot twist for Loir, but honestly..... Miss Jenny don't let everyone live. She pulls the heartstrings forreal forreal. ❤RIP Loir❤
09/04/2023 08:51Kayla.southerland88
I LOVE this book!!!!
09/04/2023 08:51Okay and where has he been hiding this whole time like sir???? There's a whole war going on outside
09/04/2023 08:51I knew it! I really hope they can destroy the core without killing Pan!
09/04/2023 08:51Auras Laura
he can not be dead😔
09/04/2023 08:51Nikki
Wow... It's heartbreaking, yet amazing at the same time
09/04/2023 08:51A bittersweet chapter
09/04/2023 08:51Gee Higgins
oh I didn't want Dante to die perhaps there's a way to save him he seems part machine with his brain???
09/04/2023 08:50this book is soooo 360 from TWKF and TWGF!!! I absolutely love those two books! and I’m really liking this one! Loir just cracks me up! I’m not that far into the book yet, but it’s really good so far!! 🥰
09/04/2023 08:50Soph Hugh
I am on a roller coaster of emotions
09/04/2023 08:50😭😭😭😭😭😭 poor eden and pan.
09/04/2023 08:50Mia
09/04/2023 08:50PramG
I hope what the Governor saying is not true! Please don’t let Dante died. My heart can’t take it. Hope Eden will find a way to stop it all.
09/04/2023 08:50m.espva
09/04/2023 08:50Floryna AO
this story is beautiful but so heartbreaking 💔 😢
09/04/2023 08:50I didn’t think that would bring me to tears like it did 😭
09/04/2023 08:49Okafor Umensofor Peace Chinma
My deepest respect, Loir. Still hoping he made it though
09/04/2023 08:49Robin
@jennyfox I can’t believe you killed Dante 😭💔
09/04/2023 08:49Reader-397104
great update! love learning more about the past nice break from the action but hard choice coming for Eden. love your writing Jenny 💙❤️💜!
09/04/2023 08:49No this is heartbreaking
09/04/2023 08:49Alison Johnson
oh no! I hope Loir managed to pull off something crazy and get out! :-(
09/04/2023 08:49Ludmila Bacova
a great chapter! so looking forward to the next one. ❤
09/04/2023 08:49omggg I can’t stop this feeling of nervousness!!! I’m soooo worried about Dante! I swear if he dies, I’m dying too 😭💀 I swear if Eden loses him, it will be a heart break like no other 😭💔💔
09/04/2023 08:49Meg Roberts
09/04/2023 08:49Roseam
I don't usually cry, no matter how bad things are going. Jenny you have tears in my eyes and my heart is hurting. Brilliant writing. 💔
09/04/2023 08:49Okafor Umensofor Peace Chinma
I knew Loir was special. I miss him
09/04/2023 08:49Kathryn Ngatuakana
bro i cant believe dante dead, why is it most of the times the main character has to be hurt by losing love ones and close friends😫😫😫is she going to get a new version dante, yea nah i would rather the old version he was prefect too imprefect for eden.. lol you know how to twist our hearts jenny😂😂
09/04/2023 08:49Psylocke
the whole time Eden has been with Pan I’m wondering how Dante is doing. I mean hadn’t he lost a lot of blood?
09/04/2023 08:49Nikki
That was great!
09/04/2023 08:48OMG! a young Loir… is it too much to hope Pan was able to warn him in enough time to get him out of the building? I still can’t wrap my head around him being dead.
09/04/2023 08:48OMG! a young Loir… is it too much to hope Pan was able to warn him in enough time to get him out of the building? I still can’t wrap my head around him being dead.
09/04/2023 08:48Beatriz Astorga Morales
I’m still waiting for Pan to save Dante… You know, something like Eden going home (wherever it be) and she suddenly smells a tasty pasta, that delicious pasta Dante used to cook for her 🙏😭😭😭😭
09/04/2023 08:48PramG
Wow! What a chapter? Please don’t tell me that Pan is the Governor???
09/04/2023 08:48Web Bookworm
I really hope Loir isn’t dead. But if he knew his ending was coming, I hope he snuck Jack and the pups out for Eden ❤️
09/04/2023 08:48Mina
my heart is heavy 💔 truly amazing writing Jenny 🌟
09/04/2023 08:48Mina
Another great chapter, Jenny! ❤️ hope Eden doesn’t fall for their tricks 😐 looking forward to the next chapter, love this story! ❤️❤️❤️
09/04/2023 08:48😢😢😢😢
09/04/2023 08:48Reader-555364
Wow. This is going to be one HELL of an ending! 😮😬
09/04/2023 08:48Adin Nahk
they are in the middle of it how can he just died
09/04/2023 08:48Kayla Elliott
ohh I love this book!! Jenny you are the BEST!! as always 😏
09/04/2023 08:48Karine Provencher
i think Loir is not dead…
09/04/2023 08:48. . . . omg!! I'm crying so bad right now!!
09/04/2023 08:48Youvanne
no noooo nooo loir
09/04/2023 08:47