Unhinged Comments
WOW. that was so intense!!! I’m happy she beat his ass, I’m happy she verbalized what he did. now for Nerons reaction and Garnet moon members to go comfort her. that was an amazing emotion filled chapter, thank you
09/04/2023 07:31Shannon Reed
Unhinged, Chapter 42, ..., EXCELLENT! 🥰
09/04/2023 07:31OHHHH SNAP! What’s going to happen next?! Neron will know something is up when Kiya doesn’t call...
09/04/2023 07:31Kiya is restless, overwhelmed by everything that has happened. I am more than happy that her real parents came and soothed her weariness away. She got Dad to fight for her honor and Mom to protect her vulnerability. For Neron... I am sorry that his dad is like that. But he got choices and it's up to him now.
09/04/2023 07:31Sherisa Weston
Odessa now you know how Kiya felt when Nerkn rejected her. heheh welcome BACK Darien, it took you long enough to return. I want to feel a little bit of sympathy for Odessa but i don't want to lie to myself. J am super happy she finally got what she deserved and there is more in store for her and I can't wait and all the other monsters kn this book 😌😌😏
09/04/2023 07:31Brittney Allen
another awesome update! sounded like he was going to disband the pack? my love got onyx grows more and more with every chapter😍🥰 even as a puppy he loved Kiya and Artemis 😍🥰 poor onyx to love someone and then have to watch his human and others hurt her without being able to stop them. 😭😫 Can we get another chapter with just his point of view like with him and Artemis date?
09/04/2023 07:31Oh snap! So Jonathan’s car is missing and wasn’t at the accident site...but Neron suspects it was he who kidnapped Kiya...ohhhh boy...
09/04/2023 07:31Lois Withers
omg you are making it so hard not to cry ..... really good chapter I know eventually this book will end but I really hope it doesnt for a very long time
09/04/2023 07:31Lois Withers
GO MOM AND DAD!!!! but I'm sad now for neron
09/04/2023 07:31Aliyah Ansari
I am so excited to read this book. I can't tell you how awesome it is to read a werewolf book where the heroine is black! I've literally been searching. I am pushing myself to wait until there are a lot more chapters before starting the second book. I can't bear to wait every couple of days for new chapters so I am testing my will power lol
09/04/2023 07:31Roza Pestana
Neron needs to go with Kiya. She needs him and I hope Darien tells Neron that Odessa is the traitor. That skank needs to be dealt with ASAP.
09/04/2023 07:31Jael Brown
I am glad Odessa got her just desserts, you can't play with people's hearts and think that only good things will happen for you. To say that I feel bad for Odessa would be a lie, you reap what you sow. I am scared that Kiya is heading down the path we all knew she would be going down. Hopefully she can get out here before something else goes down. I wish someone else was around to hear Odessa confess that way Kiya wouldn't have to be the one to handle her, but Kiya has had enough. A person can gain nothing when they are always selfish.
09/04/2023 07:31Justmee
Wow we've come so far together. Chapter 67 🤜🏽🤛🏽!!! Yeah baby 🥳🥳🥳 fist pound. I remember not so long ago we were only on chapter 20 😂! Now look 😊! Keep up the hard work Marii 👌🏽
09/04/2023 07:31Next chapter please.... 😭
09/04/2023 07:31Oh yes, Neron. Odessa is your fault. You could have broken up with her long before Kiya returned, you know. Everything went too fast for her. And she's... dumb... and a weak... and a coward... and dumb again.✌️
09/04/2023 07:31JustMee
OMGGGGG!!! I loved, loved, loved this update. Tears 😭 I need Kiya to feel loved and protected by her mate. This update gave me all the feel goods. Thank you 🥰! Just a friendly reminder I’ll be waiting for the next update 😂♥️
09/04/2023 07:31Sarah Williams
Cannot wait for the next few chapters, I love this storyline. I hope they come together just before osiris gets what he doesn't deserve.
09/04/2023 07:31Justmee
***chills down my spine 🥴! I have no words to describe just how I'm feeling at this moment. I love the fact that she has released two of her tormentors. Yet, I'm torn because I know with each kill she's closer to that dark place 🧐😤! I'm happy and sad 🥴🥳🥴! I love this book your writing that me through so many emotions. Another fabulous update 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
09/04/2023 07:31Reader-644933
Marii you are a very good writer!! I love how you have added so much detail to all of your characters. I have read a lot of books but these are the best! goodluck with your recovery and enjoy writing this story until it is finished
09/04/2023 07:31To all those naysayers out there complaining about this story dragging on: don’t. A good story, be it a novel or a multi-book story, has to have different speeds and multi-dimensional characters. This isn’t a generic, raunchy werewolf romance story where characters fall in love in two days and have sex everywhere, the end. So don’t treat it like one. Those of you who do insist on complaining, don’t ever try reading something like Wheel of Time, which is a 14 book monstrosity of a series. There are whole BOOKS where the storylines drag, but they are necessary for character development and plot advancement (see what I’m getting at?). Your poor, impatient brains couldn’t handle it!
09/04/2023 07:31JustMee
👀 <—- this is me checking everyday for another update!! 😭 <—- this is me when I realize there isn’t one!!! Please update I need this book in my life,, like neoww 😂🤣🧐🥳
09/04/2023 07:31Sanmyaku Joan Kurisu
No amount of apologies can erase the pain and suffering Kiya's been through. Jonathan should also take resposibility for what Tristan did. One thing though. All packs have Elders with them, right? The Zircon Moon Elder allow all of these to happen to Kiya and not report anything to the werewolf council? or maybe because the elder was on Jonathan's side too. Hmmm...
09/04/2023 07:31😭😭😭 so worth the wait. loving all of it
09/04/2023 07:31Elizabeth Edmondson
This is the time for Artemis to tell Onyx what has been going on with Kiya. Kiya mentioned she doesnt fell the sparks anymore, but Artemis said she did. It seems Osiris's bite only goes to Kiya, leaving Onyx and Artemis bonded. If she reveals what is happening, they can help both Neron and Kiya later.
09/04/2023 07:31Pupu
I think Orisis will try to pollute Neron. that will be his biggest achievement but I am hoping he will fail in it
09/04/2023 07:31Stacy Jefferson
How often do you update? I’m on the edge of my seat. I love your writing style it’s keeps you wanting more. I also wanted to ask if you have any other books out there have you been published if not you should really think about it.
09/04/2023 07:31These two chapters were so good! Now that is how you parent!
09/04/2023 07:31Alyssa
Ooohhhj child I’m on the edge of my seat!!!!!
09/04/2023 07:31Berry Bear
I don't think Kiya should kill him. But i would really like to read that he gets castrated, healed, castrated again, healed... i think you know what i mean. But not by her. Maybe Nero, Anthony an her Dad would like to have fun with him.
09/04/2023 07:31Jess Booth
I’m loving these last two chapters, 13 and 14!! I’m ready for Kiya and Nerons relationship to hit off!!
09/04/2023 07:31StaciMikea25
omg does anybody know today code I really wanna finish
09/04/2023 07:30Elainah May Jackson
absolutely love this story! can’t wait for new chapters when they come on! so enticing!
09/04/2023 07:30Taina Iosefo
Now that’s a twist... Ariel wants to be separated from Odessa... crazy. can’t wait for the next update!!
09/04/2023 07:30So is this where Neron felt the bond breaking? When Kiya felt the burning in her chest while in darkness? Or is there something else that is yet to happen?? Gah! Can’t wait for the next update!
09/04/2023 07:30Liz Apman
loving your books however one autocorrect has been driving me crazy in all instances where it should say solace it says solstice instead. sol·ace noun noun: solace; plural noun: solaces comfort or consolation in a time of distress or sadness. "she sought solace in her religion" Similar: comfort consolation cheer support relief verb verb: solace; 3rd person present: solaces; past tense: solaced; past participle: solaced; gerund or present participle: solacing give comfort or consolation to. "the soundlessness of nature impressed and solaced her"
09/04/2023 07:30Glemmett Maylor
oh my God, I'm bawling my eyes out. As a rape victim, I feel her pain 100 fold. You have done an excellent job writing the emotions and questions governing such an attack. I am so ready to read what happens next. Fabulous job as always!
09/04/2023 07:30Justmee
When the student out does the master! Osiris is in trouble 🤔! He has created a very powerful yet unstable being that is moving off the temperament of a child. Dangerous indeed 😬! Owee, I can not wait to see this all backfire on the him 💥!!!
09/04/2023 07:30Sherisa Weston
Man some people are very angry in the comments. If you are just going to read and insult the author because you don't like where the story is going, simply just stop reading. No is forcing you to read geez
09/04/2023 07:30blueraven1128
I am absolutely in love with these stories OMG
09/04/2023 07:30Did you update today? I went to it and all the chapters are gone
09/04/2023 07:30Meaghan Prue
anyone else unable to get the updates
09/04/2023 07:30Neva Dat
😂😂it's the ashy knuckles for me😂😂😂
09/04/2023 07:30JustMee
Chapter 11 is completely blank? Is there some way I can fix this issue?
09/04/2023 07:30Dont know of many authors that take their readers comments into consideration, and openly communicate to keep readers updated. Thanks so much Mari
09/04/2023 07:30Shamar Z. AcevMaldo
I am totally hooked to this book... how often are updates on new chapters 🥺
09/04/2023 07:30AZM24
YES!! another great chapter and I love how Kiya is warming up more and more to Neron! That freakin Osiris, I can’t wait for him to get on major a$$ whooping!!...I also hope Neron/Onyx find out about that guard, find him, beat him to a bloody pulp, let him heal, then do it over again before ripping him to shreds!! 😤...ohhh I can’t wait for more!!
09/04/2023 07:30I think he wanted to bring Amber back to life through Kiya.
09/04/2023 07:30Mrs.Hyde
Maybe these female elders can separate Kiya from this darkness festering in her.
09/04/2023 07:30Mrs.Hyde
At least Phoebe seen her and can tell Alpha Anthony of the change in Kiya.
09/04/2023 07:30Trish Yocham
Missing this book..ready for an update lol.
09/04/2023 07:30Sherisa Weston
Hmm Osiris is doing the same things Titan did but to Kiya. The only difference is he is not trying to rape Kiya
09/04/2023 07:30Elsa Rodarte
same answer as all the other writers that don’t update. you want to be a “serious’ writer? keep writing and stop making e uses. it’s why you’re ‘here’ and not writing a real book.
09/04/2023 07:30Juànita Parker
Hi, I'm new to the online book. I love the ideas and love the story. I haven't read this story yet but if it's like some of the other stores I know I will love it. love you much. JGS( just getting started). Later.
09/04/2023 07:30AZM24
PHOEBE FREAKIN ROCKS!! Love how she came in and set s*** straight!! RUN ODESSA, RUN...nah id rather her stay and get the wrath of Phoebe and Neron!! This is getting gooooood!!!...ok really can’t wait for the next update PLEASE, I’m begging 🥺🙏🏻🙏🏻
09/04/2023 07:30Sanmyaku Joan Kurisu
OMG! What is happening to Kiya?
09/04/2023 07:30Sierra Russell
My hearg is actually going out to Neron for the firt time. I feel really bad for him. I hope he and Kiya are able to be together and actually love one another now🥺🥺🥺
09/04/2023 07:30Yahaida Perez-Lemon
Omg she's been spotted!!! ❤
09/04/2023 07:30Reader-818565
does anyone know when the new chapters are coming out? I’m dyingggg!! 😭❤️
09/04/2023 07:30Good lord, if this book is going to be as long as Untouchable...we got 30+ chapters ahead of craziness! All those peeps out there hating and saying they’re not going to read the book anymore because it was “slow” should’ve waited a little longer! 😂
09/04/2023 07:30AZM24
OMG OMG!!! I loved these chapters and she was so close to telling Neron, ugh then his stupid Jack of a father had to show up!! I hope Neron really gives him a piece of his mind and puts him in his place soon!! ahhhhhhh I’m so happy that they were so close and she reacted so positively 🤗...Love it!
09/04/2023 07:30Emna Makni
is there a planning for the apdates? Your story is good and well written. thank u! 🤗👍
09/04/2023 07:30Meowdel Em
I kind of expected it to be Nadia & Lucien. I think this is where Ariel can be given to Nadia
09/04/2023 07:30Reader-463385
I love love love this series !!! just wanted to ask how often do you upload chapters (new here) and I will add I stayed up alll night reading the first book that’s how hooked I was cried like a baby on some parts. Also read a lot of comment and wanted to wish you luck on your interviews!!!
09/04/2023 07:30Lexxxxx
my guess is Diana is Nerons little sister. she had immediately warmed up to Neron while held back with others. that’s sibling love. while Kiya was her best friend. she would support them being together
09/04/2023 07:30Raine Stoehr
Hey, not done reading the chapter yet, but I thought I’d let you know before I forget, I spotted a typo. After Odessa enthralled Darien, I think you meant to write “Invincible” but it says “Invisible” which is the opposite of what she wants from what I gather. But I’m absolutely in love with this series so far. I’m very proud of Kiya for overcoming all the darkness she’s been through, and I absolutely understand her anger and frustration at the people who have hurt her. But I do hope she’ll reach a point of healing where she can let that pain go and truly move on from it. Where she can learn to forgive the sins of the past. Not for Neron or Raina, but just for herself. It’s easy to hate, it’s easy to seek revenge, but it’s hard to forgive and find mercy.
09/04/2023 07:30Yahaida Perez-Lemon
I love how Osiris thinks he's in the clear. Unfotunately he made a very terrible mistake. He left Artemis ALIVE. Good Luck with that Osiris! q
09/04/2023 07:29Reader-018349
Did by chance anyone else catch Osiris’s lie about his parents? If the portrait on the wall is indeed his parents, then he lied to Kiya about wondering if his mom made it to his dad. So what else about his story can be true. Osiris is devious, who knows what the real truth is.
09/04/2023 07:29Jael Brown
Yikes, I refuse to believe that Kiya has stepped into the bad side. Sometimes in order to defeat one's enemies you have to embrace the dark hopefully that is what's happening here. I think Kiya will eventually snap out of it, I just hope it's sooner rather than later.
09/04/2023 07:29Justmee
First things first. I hope your interview(s) went well. Congratulations 🥳🥳🥳 I know you nailed it. Secondly, I'm heart broken for Kiya's parents. Anthony too, even though I wish he would have listened to his little sis and never made her step foot on that land again. Another fabulous update 🔥🔥🔥
09/04/2023 07:29Ryanrossfan
There is no such thing as forgiveness for an abuser such as Neron. It just leaves victims vulnerable to future physical abuse. In reality, if Neron's was an abusive partner, Kiya would be dead.
09/04/2023 07:29Reader-857386
My idea is that Halima was still a child when she blended in with Kiya. So when the change was done, Halima came forth instead of Kiya. Halima’s pain was changed unnaturally. Kiya will sooner than later realized that even if she is blocked by Halima. Her strength and pain will be felt I believe. Its always best to feel the pain in order to heal and grow from it. Just like forgiving means you can’t change the past. That is what she will have to realize, I hope. Seeing her parents was just the beginning.
09/04/2023 07:29HanaBana
Loved seeing both Neron and Kiya and Onyx and Artemis having a moment! I look forward to more chapters like this! I can't wait for them to figure out that Odessa and Osiris is behind the changed of Darien's behaviour towards Kiya!
09/04/2023 07:29Kirsten Burmeister
urgh my poor heart feels like breaking for her family and friends.. maybe they will be able to follow a lead with jonathan's betrayal somehow or when Kiya shows up for her first "kill task"
09/04/2023 07:29Shay Reece
Marii Solaria your writing is fantastic!!!!
09/04/2023 07:29Sherisa Weston
aww I love how Diana is warming up to Raina
09/04/2023 07:29I lust read chapter one I think the owl is Neri.
09/04/2023 07:29Pupu
I think Neron's mark on Kiya will only be able to defeat Orisis's mark. Neron , kiya and Orisis all had their own demons. Neron has taken responsibility to be a better person. I hope Kiya find the strength to treat the right path. Orisis had a pathetic past but that does not give u the right to be sadistic and cruel. how does one deal with broken past ? Learn from Kiya. Neron has failed Kiya but Onyx has never hurt Artemis. Art deserves Onyx.
09/04/2023 07:29Elle 🧿
Do we believe his story? I can’t wait to find out more about his human mate Nadia and what is the story either 👀. Great chapter as always, I’m just loving these stories 😊.
09/04/2023 07:29Yahaida Perez-Lemon
yes! Let Ariel live and Odessa DIE!!!!!
09/04/2023 07:29Camie Michelle Smallwood
I hope Kiya can forgive Neron and the mate!!!! its breaking my heart to see both of them hurting!!
09/04/2023 07:29So the ritual was about breaking the bond between Kiya and Neron? 😱
09/04/2023 07:29Taina Iosefo
Okay let the investigation begin people. Why can’t Diana help with the investigation? I am glad she stayed with Neeon and is feeling Raina’s love or spirit now. Is Diana Amber?
09/04/2023 07:29Okay so even though I can’t be Team Osiris because he crazy, I would still pick him before Neron. 😂😂😂😂😂 No seriously, with his backstory I feel his need for revenge. But I would have more respect for him and his need for revenge if he wasn’t forcing other people into it. if he is really so powerful take his own revenge and leave Kiya out of it. He would be perfect anti-hero/dark-hero potential if he was fighting his own battle.
09/04/2023 07:29Darien actually slapped Neron the way I would do too. Nice. And I admire his humility to admit his... uhm insecurity to Neron, in front of everyone. But I do hope, he wouldn't let his bitterness and anger get the best of him. Otherwise, he could be the next Osiris.
09/04/2023 07:29Geraldine Ferraren
I hope Kiya will consent for Neron to mark her. Also with the hint of Jonathan's car missing, he is definalty involved in this.
09/04/2023 07:29Omayra Seybert
You are a magnificent writer : ) I love the different POV's and dialog.
09/04/2023 07:29Nivia M.
where do you get your book covers from?
09/04/2023 07:29Could Diana be Amber? 🤔 I would like Kiya's biological parents to do the ritual in lieu of Raina. Maybe, just maybe this could redeem them, although I know they could never have Kiya back again, but at least she could forgive them. "She is a warrior, but she is always fighting."– Forgiving her parents would be one battle down. (Just a thought)
09/04/2023 07:29Joann Jabs
I love your books. you have a great style of writing and can't wait to read the next chapter. hope it's soon
09/04/2023 07:29Justmee
Happy Valentine's Day Marii 🥰! Hope all is well and you're having fun ❤
09/04/2023 07:29Yahaida Perez-Lemon
Soooooooo......did she just die? Again? I feel like she did....which is going to add a whole new layer to this story! OMG!
09/04/2023 07:29Tammy Payne
Wow! I can’t wait for the new chapters. Talking about cliffhangers. What will happen next?
09/04/2023 07:29Christy G
Oh my goodness! She was about to tell him! Odessa and Nerons father need to be gone. Seriously Kiya needs a happy ending.
09/04/2023 07:29Geraldine Ferraren
Kiya got Osiris good with comparing him to Alpha Titus! the truth hurts.
09/04/2023 07:29Jael Brown
Kiya's pain is so great she had to force it to the deepest recesses of her mind and since it happened to her when she was younger her inner child only knows pain. In order to overcome this dark place in her mind she and her inner child will have to face her demons. She is truly going to have to forgive and let go of the hurt which is not going to be easy. I hope she makes peace with her inner child and comes back to the light. "Follow the light Kiya"
09/04/2023 07:29Mia
um...yeah...Not a fan of this plot twist at all...I am trying very hard to continue but I am really turned off by Osiris!! Hopefully he gets his beans soon yeah??
09/04/2023 07:28Michelle Cox
Yess, it’s good to see Neron stepping up like the Alpha he is!!!
09/04/2023 07:28Taina Iosefo
Okay okay... we finally know Osiris story.. but what he wants to do isn’t good. I get he’s pissed at Zircon Moon and mostly the Prince family, but it doesn’t mean to get Kiya to join him. She did only what he wanted her to do to Tristan. She was having Neron do it and he was okay with it. Neron knew what kind of person Kiya has become and didn’t force her to kill him. She had all rights to but she only did it because of Jonathan and also Osiris. OMG... I wonder where his mother and brother are.
09/04/2023 07:28Reader-003394
Osiris just sealed his own fate. His own words should show him what is to come. “ Those who sacrifice others for their own gain will only lose in the end”
09/04/2023 07:28Yolanda Padrnos
This is such a good series. Didn’t think I would say it but I am sad for Neron. It appears his mentally unstable father ruined his chances for a happy life from the beginning. Kiya will heal hopefully with her real parents. Adoptive or not they are the ones who truly love her. Hopefully Odessa’s betrayal gets put on display. She’s got to go. It doesn’t look likely because of so much pain caused on her home territory but I route for Neron and Kiya to find a happy balance of a relationship.
09/04/2023 07:28