Unhinged Comments
nice suspense on the recent update. I’m literally trying to wait until it’s done, but I can’t stop reading lol
09/04/2023 07:42rita lora
I think Nerón will kill his father so Kira can get back to her light status
09/04/2023 07:42Jamee Moore
Geez, does Johnathon really think his wife and daughter dont see what he's doing? That's gonna be a awkward reunion if he's ever given one.
09/04/2023 07:42Reader-003394
I love these characters and the pain kiya feels is so sad. I do hope she gives Neron a chance at redemption. he truly loves her and the stupid choices he made as a hurt young boy will haunt him forever but I believe he is a better man now and they deserve some happiness together. also please write faster lol
09/04/2023 07:42Oh that scene with Nadia and Lucien! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 It's nice to laugh somehow!
09/04/2023 07:41Glemmett Maylor
Oh Gosh! This is so intense and I'm loving every second of it!
09/04/2023 07:41Sanmyaku Joan Kurisu
my heart really aches for Kiya 💔😭
09/04/2023 07:41I just weep - my heart just bleeds for Kiya 😢😞
09/04/2023 07:41Yahaida Perez-Lemon
Oh man! That was precarious there for a moment! But that interaction told me all I needed to know. Kiyas inner child is driving all of this! Yikes. This is gonna be BAD.
09/04/2023 07:41Jess
OMGOSH I like need the rest of the book NOW! I want to know what their excuses were too! I'm so mad for her and sad for her. I wonder how Neron will handle this. yeah this pack doesn't deserve her.
09/04/2023 07:41Geraldine Ferraren
ok I just finished Untouchable and I am touting for Kiya to forgive and even give Neron a chance so they can be together and I am routing they both fully mate with Kiyas full consent. I got anxiety ready the first book and disappointed at the end however I am hopeful Neron and Kiya lead the pack together as Alpha and Luna
09/04/2023 07:41Sherisa Weston
Every time I start to think I might/would not mind if Kiya and Neron e end up as mates, I am reminded (not like I need reminding) of all the horrible things Neron and Jonathan allowed to happen to Kiya. Yes, Neron didn't know about the rape even though I feel like Johnathan did, I feel like Neron would not have cared to stop it but would have maybe stopped it not for Kiya but the pride of his disgusting pack. How could anyone even begin to want Kiya and Neron together and her the Luna of that pack when just being around them stirs up so much pain from the past. Kiya when through many terrible physical abuse with even more mental and sexual abuse. Kiya is so strong to even step on the same dirt has that pack and to associate with anyone from that pack because I bet many of us probably would have wanted or would have burn the entire pack down to nothing like it deserves. The only thing Kiya ooke there are the children and that is because they are innocent in everything that happened to her. If Neron wants Kiya to accept him as a mate he is going to need to work harder than what he is doing. Right now I can only tolerate them as being almost friends or friends in the future
09/04/2023 07:41Justmee
Am I the only one that becomes sick to my stomach every time Raina touches Kiya 🤢🤮! I have developed a strong dislike for Raina 🙄. I can not with all the excuses from her. I know she's trying to make things right but it's just to late for me 🙅🏽♀️! Even in the first book when she did the spell to help find Kiya I felt nothing. Simply thought it was the least she could do. Oh how I wish that bottle would have fractured her skull. She needs to have a glimpse of the torture Kiya endured for years. Thanks for another brilliant update. Can't wait for the next chapter 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
09/04/2023 07:41Justmee
***sigh poor Kiya 😫! My feelings are to hurt for her!!! You can make it through this baby girl 🤧. Neron 👏🏾 you 👏🏾 better 👏🏾 make 👏🏾 him 👏🏾 suffer 👏🏾😪😔! I can't wait to read the next chapter 👀
09/04/2023 07:41Yahaida Perez-Lemon
Damn it I was hoping she was gonna kill him! For all the people that have ever had to go through that, my heart breaks for you and I honestly wish you could have a moment like this with your monsters!
09/04/2023 07:41I feel like she is now on the verge of losing herself and she's in a lot of stress too. I don't think she ever wanted to be feared, she just wanted justice and acknowledgement of this pack's negligence on her. I only hope Kiya would not misinterpret Neron's reactions and good intentions. I also think she's vulnerable at this point and prone to wrong comprehensions. The changes in her, as Neron observed, make me think that she also didn't know she was not okay. She was overwhelmed, I think. Osiris might use this to fill her with grudge and pull her eventually into insanity. 😞
09/04/2023 07:41Okay... okay... breathe in, breathe out. I will never want to be in Kiya's shoes, but Neron's footing at this moment was just as worse Kiya's. Now I understand why Kiya wanted to kill them all... It wasn't the beatings and the deprivation of the basic things. They ignored her, deliberately turned blind eye to while she bled. 😭😭😭😭 I don't know how this is a help to Osiris' plan. But I hope it aint how he expected things to be. Kiya still has Arty. That makes me confident that Kiya's light will prevail still. Gosh... Ms. Author please have mercy on my weekend. Please let me know when the next updates would be.😉
09/04/2023 07:41omg 😭😭😭😭 poor Kiya I have no words nothing can be said for her pain and it like she is reliving it because she kept it a secret and the secret is out now 😭😭. l don’t blame her for being angry
09/04/2023 07:41Oh boy...now all of the emotions are going to come out with Kiya’s parents showing up and Ashley and Steven in the room. It’s unbelievable that Ashley gets mad about Lyra. She was a real mom to Kiya! Ashley should be thanking her for saving Kiya’s life....
09/04/2023 07:41Why do I feel that the next update would be on the Christmas eve? 🦉 Tristan should be punished today.✌️ Just kidding!
09/04/2023 07:41Mia
far out - this and previous chapters were so hard to read!!! poor Kiya...heart was breaking all over again reading it..
09/04/2023 07:41what’s the update schedule? this way I can quit checking twice a day lol! you’ve made me obsessed reading this and untouchable!
09/04/2023 07:41empress
So when does the new chapter come out? I’m addicted.
09/04/2023 07:41I cry so much... I lost my words... A masterpiece...
09/04/2023 07:41Rebeca G
Loved this update! Loved Kiya standing up for herself! :) I must admit, though, that I'm a bit confused by Johnathans motivations. I thought he wanted kiya to mate with Neron- how exactly is this helping that cause, exactly? And did he really think he would be able to drag the avatar of a goddess to the dungeons without a fight, or that kiya herself wouldn't fight back?
09/04/2023 07:41Khrysty Marcum
I need more!!!
09/04/2023 07:41MzDiva1987
home girl snapped retribution is coming
09/04/2023 07:40Janet Bedford
Kiya needs help with her anger and that parasite that's feeding off her moods.
09/04/2023 07:40Baby Angel
I am truly sorry for everyone who took what I wrote wrong!! I just reread it and now that everyone was quick to assume that I’m rude or mean it hurt me a lot. I am the last person on the planet who ever wants to be rude to someone I really am. I also get that everyone has a life. my life is not the greatest. lived through abuse my whole childhood so when I read about Kiya I can relate to her so much and I use these books to help me fight my demons everyday too. I just lost my mom a couple of moths ago and I’m having a hard time so for everyone to jump on me hurt me. so I figured I would take the time to figure out why and I can see a little bit as to why others took it wrong. again I am really sorry I didn’t mean too. I just wanted to see a happy ending because I guess I’m looking to see her pain go way because I know how it feels to be in the darkness. I lived years as a self harmer and suicidal!!! so to say that no one would care if I disappeared actually hurt because that’s the story of my life no one would care. thank you for being an amazing writer and please don’t stop writing how you want to write because I don’t want that I’ll just have to reread other books until this one is done. again I’m so sorry!!
09/04/2023 07:40Melinda Burton
does anyone know if she is still actively writing this story
09/04/2023 07:40Is this the alcohol talking 'cause, "Hell yeah! Just the way I'd like it to happen." That's what I am thinking right now. Happy Holidays, everyone! 🥂🍾🍸🧀🥩
09/04/2023 07:40Sherisa Weston
I sort of feel bad for Ashley and Steven when Kiya said she will only feel happy when they die. They deserve it but I think Kiya should forgive everyone eventually not for them but for her to properly completely heal. She doesn't have to associate with them after though. All this anger and hatred is just going to eat her up from the inside and she will never fully heal and move on with her life
09/04/2023 07:40Kecina_Janice
How often do you put new chapters up?
09/04/2023 07:40ballen282004
I've been rereading the first book and after rereading all they did to poor Halima I am back on the f*** Zircon Moon bandwagon. May they all burn in hell. They did her so wrong. Neron should not benefit from all Garnett Moon did to bring Halima back from the brink of death. No one in his pack should.
09/04/2023 07:40Justmee
Nadia? Refresher please... what chapters?
09/04/2023 07:40Tracy Mauro
I'm curious if you have any Face claims to the characters in the book? is there anyone in particular you imagine as you write the characters?
09/04/2023 07:40Taina Iosefo
I was hoping she wouldn’t fall into Osiris’s plan to kill but zircon pack didn’t help with her feeling the way she did especially with Jonathan and the elder coming and saying she’s a liar and whore. He needs to go back to Selene. I’m finally glad Raina is there for her sister and fights Odessa and her big mouth. I love that Neron is backing up and supporting Kiya. I love love her garnet moon pack always wanting to fight for her and are there for her no matter what. I’m seriously surprised Alpha Anthony and Kiya’s parents aren’t told or there for her. But I can’t wait for another update!!
09/04/2023 07:40Mia
Holey Moley!!!!!!! That mutt Johnathon must of helped Osiris !! Oooo Please Please update asap!!!
09/04/2023 07:40Sherisa Weston
oh Darien :'( I know I read somewhere but could you tell me what happened to Odessa's parents and who she was living with in the pack like who took care of her? I think her parents died so how old was she when that happened?
09/04/2023 07:40Kari Shockley
Well this is just dragging out. Hope you get to the end soon so I can just read then final couple chapters. Kiya & Neuron have been thru enough already.
09/04/2023 07:40This kind of rage and anger is so very dangerous. She is destroying all the good inside. I hope her adoptive parents are able to get her to see what is happening, address her past, and move forward; whatever that looks like.
09/04/2023 07:40Meowdel Em
sorry @Marii there’s a small typo on the page where you describe Ariels dress being too thin. just wanted you to know.
09/04/2023 07:40Maryfhel
after taking a break from last chapter i read which was “amber” i cant open to read the next chapters..why is that?
09/04/2023 07:40Michelle Cannaday
Hey, just want to say I absolutely love this series and I honestly hope there will be more books in the series!
09/04/2023 07:40Meaghan Prue
guys dont forget this is part of osiris`s evil plan he probably is planting these images in kiyas mind to poison it even further and because of kiyas love for children her inned child is the perfect target easy to manipulate
09/04/2023 07:40Tracy Mauro
I can't wait to read more. I'm really hoping that she snaps out of her darkness before she hurts Neron or any of the other "good ones". I must say that I am disappointed in her for giving into the darkness so easily even knowing what Osiris is. Also just to add...I really thought that Ariel's Spirit was going to go into Mara for a minute, that would have been sweet.
09/04/2023 07:40dee brack
To the author we never got Kiya’s old parent POV. or did I read to fast?
09/04/2023 07:40Oh snap...Neron’s on the warpath, and rightfully so 😬
09/04/2023 07:40Elsa Rodarte
and before people say writers are busy/ have a life- dont start a freaking story then.
09/04/2023 07:40Kirsten Burmeister
oh soooo good!!! lucky for raina, maybe she will stay alive til the end when Kiya comes back to her senses (which she hopefully will )
09/04/2023 07:40Taina Iosefo
OMG.... So glad Darian was able to speak with Kiya and tell him everything he feels and his speculations. I hope Kiya is able to tell Neron and they can plan on doing something great.
09/04/2023 07:40Diana is so very important as is Neron. Great updates Marii 💜
09/04/2023 07:40Sniderin
I NEED MOOOORE!!!! AAAAAAH!!!! It's my drug of choice.
09/04/2023 07:40get him Neron !!!
09/04/2023 07:40Neodesha McCollum Hendley
I am going to take a break. I thoroughly enjoyed the first book, but was not expecting a sequel/series. I thought it was just a straightforward romance. My life has been filled with death and loss these last few years and reading is my escape. This author is excellent, but I will take a break to find just a 1 book romance. I'll come back later. I love how diverse your characters are and how you even talk about natural hair. Thank you for that author.
09/04/2023 07:40❤️
09/04/2023 07:40Sherisa Weston
I have a feeling if Ariel separates herself Odessa may actually die this time and Ariel may get seriously hurt. I wonder if she separates and become just a wolf if she can somehow become a wolf spirit again and bond with a human and theh become a werewolf. Maybe a witch could help with that. haha
09/04/2023 07:40yay!!! I’m so happy for Ariel 💜
09/04/2023 07:40Jess Booth
this chapter was amazing! I’m so glad she did what she did! i felt her anger while reading this! we need more...
09/04/2023 07:40I can’t seem to download rest of story
09/04/2023 07:40Mihaela Vardianu
If you ask me his story is not in place so I hope Kiya will not fall for that story
09/04/2023 07:40Justmee
***sigh 🥴!! I'm so torn now 🤧! Everything in me wanted to hate Osiris 🤬! Now I just don't know. I do feel as if he's become the very people he's hated for over a century. He has allowed his hate to make him just as horrible. I get it though. I'm going to read these last two chapters again. My heart is just to heavy right now. How could I feel so bad for the monster Osiris? I'm starting to wonder who is the owl? Maybe it's Osiris first love? Sheesh 🤔! Thank you Marii for another fabulous update. As always you have my mind on one thousand 🤯😳! I love every bit of it 🥰
09/04/2023 07:40Tosha Scott
In the first book, when Kiya decided to end her life after being helped by Kwame and his parents, she encountered the moon goddess (Selene) who informed her she would have to return as her avatar and she would do great things. I want to know why Selen hasn't intervened. She was able to when she had Kiya return. Now Kiya even if justifiable with her hatred is dark because of Osiris and his success in changing her. She has suffered so much. How will she be at the end of this knowing she was a puppet and made to kill against her will. How will she ever face her family and friends and know love again when all the killing soon to follow will be figuratively costing her hands. She is an unwilling participant and any light she had or had built at garnet moon will be shattered. How will she find love. I know she told Selen she did not want a second chance mate, but she could had healed and had that chance. Now whether there was hope for her and Neron which I didnt fully accept or whether another will be something I see her rejecting forever as an adult. She was still a child when she wished to stay alone. Hope this can be written in benefit to all the darkness we have read and felt on this journey. 😭🤯☠
09/04/2023 07:39Reader-018349
If I wasn’t so excited to read the words “You’re not a failure” from Nikolai I would have been crying. I am so happy that Neron got a chance to feel what real parental care is like. As far as Ariel, I think Neron should figure out if can be done without harming Odessa and Ariel, not that I’m on Odessa’s side, but it would crush Darien if she died. I also think he should include Darien in his decision. If the plan does work then he doesn’t have to worry about what to do with Odessa, she would be just human and banished for life. As for Ariel I do hope that her wolf would be able to be put into another and her and Darien (and Sirius) can be second chance mates.
09/04/2023 07:39Meaghan Prue
just a question marii if u dont mind. lets say that u had like 3 or 4 chapters to go do u have to stagger them or can u upload all at once if u wanted
09/04/2023 07:39Pupu
I am just hoping Neron comforts Kiya and proves to be her true mate rather than listening to any non sence the gaurd says.
09/04/2023 07:39Jesi
Ahh! just binged the first book and this one over the last couple days! SO GOOD! Now I’ll just be refreshing like crazy, till there’s an update! Amazing author!
09/04/2023 07:39please I need more chapters for Unhinged! I can’t believe I’m rooting for Neron to come through for Kiya!
09/04/2023 07:39NO! Is Osiris breaking their bond? Or making Kiya reject Neron??? Gah what a cliffhanger!
09/04/2023 07:39Cassandra
how do they have a bond? I thought once he rejected her and she excepted there bond was gone and the fact that she died and came back with not wanting another mate so how is a bond being broken when there not one? and there was one wouldn’t he know she was in trouble when this all happened?
09/04/2023 07:39Meryam Ahsan
I reread chapters 70-71, Kiya doesn’t love him completely, but she does love him. She may have said that it was because of the pain of the mate bond but I think despite the horrific situation there was in fact some bonding there before any of it happened. Has he done enough? I don’t know- but he was not the same person who rejected her, just as she isn’t the same child who committed suicide
09/04/2023 07:39Taina Iosefo
OMG... Diana just needs to give Neron a sign of who she is. who’s spirit is she?? I’m thinking it could be his sister or even Osiris mate... possibly.. hehe I hope Neron can find out all that he can to help find Kiya. She needs him and her family.
09/04/2023 07:39Sanmyaku Joan Kurisu
woah! Ariel! so what will happen to Ariel if she is successfully separated from Odessa? She will wait in Selene's realm while the the Moon Goddess chooses another human for her?
09/04/2023 07:39Sierra Russell
WOOOOHHHAAA!!!! And you're just gonna leave us like this, hanging? I knew it was coming, Im happy she got that bastard back. That right there was well deserved 👏👏👏
09/04/2023 07:39Alyssa
😱 😱 😱
09/04/2023 07:39And of all the scents there is, he got coriander. I mean... I like coriander on food but on human? Ewe. I bet he never had chances on deodorants. 🤦🤦🤦
09/04/2023 07:39Elsa Rodarte
WAY too short a chapter
09/04/2023 07:39Reader-229728
I’m sure this has been asked, but how often is this book updated with new chapters? is there an update schedule or just whenever it’s updated?
09/04/2023 07:39Gee Higgins
I reckon Osiris is the guy she bumped into at the mall in the first book... I also think the only way she can resist the dark is to forgive those who harmed her and they need to mate to fight together plus perhaps break his claim on her....my thoughts
09/04/2023 07:39Ryanrossfan
Honestly, Osiris is not the enemy. I would gladly see Neron and his father burn at the stake for all the atrocities they committed. Neuron is the enemy. It would kill me if Kiya and him end up together.
09/04/2023 07:39😱😳
09/04/2023 07:39Justmee
Whew these last two chapters babieeee 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥! I can not wait for the next update. I know Kiya's inner voice will be much stronger once she encounters Neron and her family that were there for the ritual. Oweee this is getting so good 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
09/04/2023 07:39Christine Londo
why do I have the feeling Osiris and Johnathon know each other. the ex alpha did something to Osiris for him to want to destroy that pack so bad too!!
09/04/2023 07:39Kiya 😭😭😭 You're stronger now, remember that. I was never in your shoes but I know what anxiety felt like. Killing would be easy on him. Don't kill him. Please. Send that monster to my house and I'll make sure, you will like what I'm gonna do. ✌️Just kidding. Can't wait for thw next chapter. And I do hope, I don't have to wait for a week. (Wishful thinking. 😌)
09/04/2023 07:39bumblebee90
I don’t normally stick books out to the end as they all become abit silly but I have just finished book 1 and am still enjoying it don’t think I have cried so much to book!! hope book 2 keeps up the good story
09/04/2023 07:39Kecina_Janice
How many chapters will this book have because they’ve been so good! Love your writing and you! Thank you!
09/04/2023 07:39Marii Solaria
New redemption code for 12/6! RHCLKN
09/04/2023 07:38ballen282004
as always great update...🥰😍🥰😍🥰
09/04/2023 07:38Savannah Felix
is anyone else having problems accessing the new updated chapters? it says updated yet there are no new chapters????
09/04/2023 07:38Rhayine
GHA! I NEEEED MOREEE and why do I feel like Diana is Nerons sister, or Selena
09/04/2023 07:38Taina Iosefo
Loved how Onyx came to Kiya’s defense with Odessa and Darian. For someone being a BFF and turns his back on her despite it all doing cause of Odessa and Osiris but still. That was big of Onyx to come out at the right time. hahaha Love the run with Artemis and Onyx... little teenagers. hahaha can’t wait for the next update!!
09/04/2023 07:38Geraldine Ferraren
Osiris had a touching story however I still do not like him. great update.
09/04/2023 07:38Dolly Gunn
How often do you update with more chapters? Thank you.
09/04/2023 07:38Mrs.Coffee Lover
I need the REST of the chapters please 😊
09/04/2023 07:38Aubrey Ahten
Marii thank you for all the hard work and effort you put into your novels! You truly have a gift for writing and I hope you are in pursuit of a liberal arts degree of some kind because your work is a stroke of genius! Please ignore all the nay sayers that try to get a rise out of you, and you keep doing you! You have so many supporters and admirers that have and will continue to support your passion. And these stories clearly are a passion. Thank you for creating this world for us to lose ourselves into and I hope to see you published one day! You have such an amazing talent to capture an audience and have done what very few authors on sites like this can do, and that is be a true storyteller!
09/04/2023 07:38LuciAnn Lara
Oh my gosh!!!! Ariel!!! I love it!!! Can't wait for Nerons response For more
09/04/2023 07:38Witchybird
I read the prequel and this book within a few days. It was so addictive. I cannot to find out how this ends, hopefully a happy ish ending .
09/04/2023 07:38Malinda Hoffman
when are chapters added?
09/04/2023 07:38Legend of Gru
I usually don’t like reading books that are ongoing because it’s like eating scrambled eggs over the period of breakfast, lunch and supper where they’ll get cold and icky and you won’t want to continue eating them but you do because it’ll be a waste. However, this book is the only book that I’m reading that’s ongoing. It’s written really well and it’s like water, regardless of when you have it, it’s always refreshing.
09/04/2023 07:38Sherisa Weston
I love Raina's reaction. Did you all realize Neron is going to disband the pack and probably start from scratch with the four members he can trust?
09/04/2023 07:38