Unhinged Comments
Taina Iosefo
Oh no no no no no... not Neron too. I so can’t wait for the next update...
09/04/2023 08:12Jael Brown
I 😘 be the inner battle Kiya and Lady Seguine are fighting, but I can't help but wonder will Kiya kill the Lanes or will they just rot to death in the dungeon. Where is Osiris during all of this, I thought he would love to see the demise of Jonathan. I can't wait for the next update,!!! Take care of yourself and your family Marii!!!!
09/04/2023 08:12Ahh! Such a great chapter! Neron finally got to *see* his sister and mom again! 😭
09/04/2023 08:12Kerrie Lumsden
How many chapters to the end?
09/04/2023 08:12Emily York
is any body els having issues reading the story? everything I try to click on it, it says oops
09/04/2023 08:12Debbie Boston
wow what a cliffhanger!! impatiently waiting.....❤❤
09/04/2023 08:12i want to keep reading. please dont kill neron.
09/04/2023 08:12Meaghan Prue
This needs to be a movie seriously
09/04/2023 08:12Drea Harper
are you gonna publish these books? I would love to support!!!
09/04/2023 08:12ALINE ALBUQUERQUE
I don't understand: what the orchid smell means?
09/04/2023 08:12Nina072
this was such a forking sweet update! ohmahgerd!!! 😍 that was so good, I'm loving how everything is progressing with neron and his projects, so great that Anthony and nikolai are helping him; they some really good peeps and he needs some good men on his side besides Kwame and Valerian. Altough I thought he would be closer to garnet moon, I wonder which would be going with him and who would be relocating elsewhere. I HAVE BEEN SAYING SINCE UNTOUCHABLE THAT DIANA WAS NURIA.🤩🤩🤩 To me this hints were a bit in my face, but more and more it was getting obvious. THIS IS WHY I CALL MARII M. NIGHT YALL!! WHO SAW THAT SHIRT COMING!!👀🙈😱 Celest and nuria's return was straight out left field, forking selene and her mischief. 🤣 such a sweet outcome tho, neron got his mom and sister back. 🥰🥰🥰🥰 One heck of a surprise tho.
09/04/2023 08:12Trisha Reynolds
Kiya and Neron have grown so much I’m hoping they can become the soulmates they were meant to be. Despite the horrific past he proved himself worthy over time.
09/04/2023 08:12😱😲😲😲😲😲😲 yikes... didn't expect the resurrections... I need time to absorb this with getting clouded with zombie thoughts.
09/04/2023 08:12Lois Withers
marii I'm dying here the book is getting soo good I'm about to pull my hair out lol
09/04/2023 08:12She did unto him as he did to her and I love it! that Lady Sanguine is no joke! whew!
09/04/2023 08:12Jael Brown
Yes I am loving this update Marii, but I have to wonder will we find out why Mara is so shy around Darien. I mean I am sure he will love her no matter what. I am glad everything is falling into place for our characters. The question still remains will Kiya and Neron get their happy ending together or as friends. Great update Marii!!!
09/04/2023 08:11Rae Evans
can’t wait for the next update. Book 3!!! 😬😬😬😬
09/04/2023 08:11dailyLimz
I just want to drop by and say that I hope you’re doing better on your end and that no rush.. I like it when there’s a cliff hanger of every chapter🥸 it makes me want to read more about your stories! and curious about what will happen next 🙃 hope u r okay and that no matter what, you’re an amazing writer and we as readers, we’re here waiting patiently for you☺️ take care
09/04/2023 08:11Question. After all that's happened to Valerian and Raina, can I trust that he won't betray Kiya or Neron? He seemed to hate Kiya/LS for almost killing his mate infront of him. Also, I hope Selene would help in the fight this time. Maybe send Amber temporarily to distract Osiris while on the fight? As for the older Lanes, I hope one of them would die in the battle, while trying to save Kiya... You know, sacrificial death, which might bring Kiya to let go of her hatred towards them. But if the couldn't do it, then I hope they would never be part of her life, ever again.
09/04/2023 08:11marina simeonoglou
have there been any more updates? 🤗🤗🤗🤗
09/04/2023 08:11Sherisa Weston
The bold words telling Neron to run was Onyx and the unbolded italic words telling him the same thing were his conscience?
09/04/2023 08:11Whew I’m glad her friends are around maybe they will help her come out of it
09/04/2023 08:11Moonlight Muse
amazing story just re read last few chapters
09/04/2023 08:11OMGosh I’m so nervous with this chapter
09/04/2023 08:11Amanda Rains
Marii, how is your recovery from surgery going, if I may ask?
09/04/2023 08:11Nina072
artemis getting ready to have osiris catch her hands.....I mean, paws. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 had me dead over here.
09/04/2023 08:11AstarteLor
ha, love this story so much but I'm so tired of the word amalgamation or any variation of it.
09/04/2023 08:11is Raina pregnant??
09/04/2023 08:11Coraleigh Nott
omg noooo!!! please tell me she heals him?!!!.... oh god, the suspence🙈😂
09/04/2023 08:11Jael Brown
WTH did I really just read this. So Neron grew a pair and killed his father. Wow I didn't think he would, by far didn't see that one coming. I mean I really thought he was going to kill his self for a minute there and not dear old dad. And then Lady Seguine stabbed him in the back, he really should have known better than to turn his back on her. Then again up until recently he always has. Great update Marii!!!
09/04/2023 08:11What an amazing couple of chapters! I was tearing up over Neron, he’s come so far 😭 Has Kiya come close to accepting him as her mate? It almost sounded like it! Now the real question becomes: how long will Kiya be in a coma? Days? Months?......Years? Gosh, I’m so excited to know how this book will end! Thank you, Marii ❤️
09/04/2023 08:10Jael Brown
First of all great update Marii!!! Hmmm so Jonathan is being tortured, well good he definitely deserves it. He really needs to let it go, Kiya has nothing to with the death of his wife and daughter. The conversation that he had with Osiris really struck a nerve with him, he probably did want to keep Kiya all to himself. And the fact that he doesn't see anything wrong with what the Prince family has done over the years generation after generation is just crazy to me. Jonathan can't even see that him and Titan are so much alike not just in looks but in actions as well. He is so far gone he probably doesn't see anything wrong with what he did to Kiya, his pain has corrupted his heart and clouded his better judgement. I knew Nadia and Lucien would end up together. The two of them suffered alot by the hands of Osiris and they went through alot so it stands to reason they would turn toneach other now. The question is will Osiris allow them to be together and has he even rejected her? Lyra's bluntness is so funny because she reminds me alot of my mom!! Hopefully they will find Kiya, I just hope it's sooner rather than later. Thanks for the great update Marii and I can't wait for the next one!!! Happy Easter 🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰
09/04/2023 08:10on the 2nd to last chapter & thought neron said the n word😭💀🤣🤣🤣
09/04/2023 08:10Carol Hatton
on edge waiting for the update!!! 🤗😁
09/04/2023 08:10Taina Iosefo
So exciting!! Neron finally told her somewhat of what he’s doing. I wonder if the property he was talking about is selling zircon and buying another property closer to Kiya. I surely hope Kiya stays with Neron. Happy he’s not wanting to follow after his family and wanting something better. Love that Darian got a second chance mate. Hope Mara tells him her secret she’s hiding.
09/04/2023 08:10Hollstar
ooooh... that was interesting! I’m glad Neron killed his father, he was planning on it previously anyway... it’s sure going to mess with him though! can’t wait to see what happens next! 🤠
09/04/2023 08:10Debra Conklin
Kiya & her Wolf are 1 , please don't let her kill Artimas I love Kiya , for I'm right there with her For what happened to her happened to me when I was a little younger, I'm still trying to fight it I'll wait as long it takes for your bks please get well Soon my Prayers are with you
09/04/2023 08:10Meaghan Prue
I hope she does forgive him, after all it wasn’t all entirely Nerons fault at a young age his mind was being poisoned by his father believing his every word that Kiya was the problem. then he started to come out of it and realize that the real problem was johnathan let’s not forget children are sponges and being told your failure and weak and that thing killed your mama and sister and u feel sorry for it gets to you and you start believing it but when Kiya died the first time and Neron found she was innocent only then did he start to maybe realize that his dad wasn’t all he was cracked up to be. yeah Neron was in the wrong to beat and hurt her but like I said trauma does things to you and Jonathan began poisoning a young boys mind and sadly it worked for a while Neron isn’t a monster had his mother been with him he probably would have grown up a lot differently parents shape their kids and it’s like the old saying monkey see monkey do and unfortunately Neron was that monkey but he didn’t want to be like his father finally the monkey made his own choice and I hope he either gets Kiyas forgiveness or a second chance mate I think he has done well to prove to Selene that he was not going to be the puppet anymore and be his own man a good one that his mother and sister would be proud of. also I hope Celeste and Nurias wolves came back too
09/04/2023 08:10Me to Neron: Do it! Do it! Do it!!!!!!!
09/04/2023 08:10A M Archibald
Try not to deviate from the tense used. A few times, the present and past dense have been used in the same sentence; an excellent example is in the last paragraph of chapter 77. Just a little something to work on, as I've noticed it a few times now.
09/04/2023 08:10Cara Rodacker
I love this series I started the first book almost two weeks ago and now waiting on updates doesn't help I read fast but I love your writing so it's worth the wait even though it's slightly killing me lol
09/04/2023 08:10Meaghan Prue
oh Marii will there be a bonus chapter on Osiris judgement that would be awesome too see him have to face Selene and Set
09/04/2023 08:10Meaghan Prue
wait Diana didn’t get hurt did she
09/04/2023 08:10Elaine Wilson
love the books I hope that Kiya does not kill her wolf and I hope that she remembers that she is kind.
09/04/2023 08:10reader2121
how is kiya ever going to recover from this once she snaps out of her darkness? that’s a lot of blood on her hands.
09/04/2023 08:10After these crucially, critically needed moments of healing and vindication, their new lives may start.
09/04/2023 08:10Christina Johnson
I love these books. Thank you for updating even though you are not 100%. Get well soon. I loved how he got to see his mum and sister. x
09/04/2023 08:10Why do I feel like Selene sending back two people from the dead is going to cause some cosmic problems? 🤔
09/04/2023 08:10your the best Marii take care and can't wait to start reading your book one question will I be able to buy this series?
09/04/2023 08:10Doris Lopez
I am on the edge of my seat and I can't wait for the next chapter!😣
09/04/2023 08:10Bobbie Poole
just wanted to say how much I love ur books and that you are very talented! hope you get well soon sending healing vibes your way!❤️
09/04/2023 08:10Arianna Espinoza
do you update weekly?
09/04/2023 08:10Angela, Eric Allen, McCray
I just hope an pray that she can forget an forgive she good over evil 🙈
09/04/2023 08:09Kish Kush
I really hope there will be a third book because I’m not ready to say goodbye to these characters 😭
09/04/2023 08:09Dr Megha
this part is little hard to digest. being a moon goddess avatar, she was sent back by her to do something great and was promised to be watched but what is Kiya doing now is killing. 4 innocent guards killed by her.
09/04/2023 08:09awesome awesome chapter!!
09/04/2023 08:09not afraid to admit that i been feenin for an update😭😭
09/04/2023 08:09Reader-043727
Is anyone else on the edge of their seat reading this? I can’t seem to put this book down🤷🏽♀️ My feelings are sooo hurt that she fell into Osiris tricks though. 😭 .... hopefully a happy ending here lol ( I’m only on chapter 58) ...either way I love that this isn’t your typical romance. Full of plots twists, character development and DRAMA! Great job ❤️ ( although my fingers are still crossed for a happy ending lol 🤞🏽)
09/04/2023 08:09Sherisa Weston
Neron is in denial about Kiya I see. I mean it is nice that he believes in Kiya's strength and her willpower but how he is doubting what her own mother saw and one of bestfriends, Phoebe when she has the power to see auras seem quite arrogant of him. He even had that vision and sensed something was wrong
09/04/2023 08:09Elle 🧿
Uhm... why Lady Sanguine? Can anyone help me? Also, here’s hoping to Darien and Mara 🤭😁 hehe.
09/04/2023 08:09Sanmyaku Joan Kurisu
Neron!! 😭
09/04/2023 08:09Amber Mitchell
This is one of my favorite series by far. Can’t wait to see how it ends! Patiently waiting for the next update and then book 3 😬
09/04/2023 08:09Reader-837796
Absolutely loved the book, frigginfantastic writing Author Solaria!! super excited to read what you write next, and the many you will write after that!!!!! keep on creating great content Sis!
09/04/2023 08:08Sarah
I hope this has a happy ending such a great back but it a heart breaking to reading right now
09/04/2023 08:08Moonlight Muse
these chapters were amazing, n the best part i loved the neron n kiya moments. neron really does have a connection to her 😍 im totally shipping for them !
09/04/2023 08:08Moonlight Muse
her feelings towards neron make me so wishful to see them happy together 😍 i kno he messed up in past but he has grown n come along so so well,
09/04/2023 08:08Taina Iosefo
OMG... I’ve been MIA with reading my books and I come back to reading 4 chapters and well worth it too. I can only imagine how your next chapters will be. When her mom saw her and wept, I was crying too. Seriously so close but yet so far away. I’m glad Darien is back and recovering with the help of Galen. But now I wonder who the visitors are.... is it Osiris and his crew??? is it Neron and some pack members??? WHO WHO.. lol I can wait I was just joking. 😂😂😂
09/04/2023 08:08Jael Brown
Omg I am am of the edge of my seat, these chapters have astonished me, caused me to stop breathing and left me speechless all at the same time. Whoa Marii, this fight scene was awesome
09/04/2023 08:08Yahaida Perez-Lemon
09/04/2023 08:08Sherisa Weston
whew that was amazing! I really hope Kiya does not kill her biological parents. I don't care for Johnathan but no matter how much she hates her parents I think she will really regret it. Maybe she will bond with them a bit after she takes them to wherever. Maybe they could help bring her back even a little bit. At this point I am doubtful but who knows. I think all the killing she did, she will regret to some extent since this is not who Kiya truly is. I think so far she has killed one person, Odessa in her Lady Sanguine phase I don't think she will regret that at all like with Tristan.
09/04/2023 08:08rita lora
I was enjoying the story fully up until Kiya gave into evil, 😢
09/04/2023 08:08Doris Lopez
great chapters this week so exciting Can't wait for the next one!
09/04/2023 08:08Is this thing with LS & Kiya happening @ the same time as LS & Neron?? So LS & Neron are real life, LS & Kiya etc are like spiritual?? sorry couldn't find the right word - Awesome stuff though
09/04/2023 08:08Kathy Mac
are you here manager or something that you answer foe her?
09/04/2023 08:08Jemma
Artemis and Kiya 🤍♾
09/04/2023 08:08All I can say is WOW!!! What an update! Is the end of the chapter, where LS slashes Neron in the back and sentences him to death, a role reversal of when Neron sentenced Halima in the beginning of book one?
09/04/2023 08:08Brittney Allen
Best belated birthday present ever!🥰😍🥰😍🥰 I always imagine Onyx in every scene you mention him in. He is always hilarious 🤣😆. So happy Odessa, Tristan, and Johnathan all got their just deserts. I wonder what the Moon Goddess is planning for Nuria and Celeste🤔 Kiya and the vanilla lip balm 🤣🤣🤣Love Jackie! I think she put the vanilla lip balm on her to see if it would wake her up 🤣. She kept saying "Kiya will wake up soon." 🤣🤣🤣 Lyira and Nikolai are the best parents any child should have. Thank you for giving Kiya great parents the second time around because Stephen and Ashley are the worst parents ever. Great Updates 🥰😍🥰😍🥰
09/04/2023 08:08Wendy Virginia
how often will you be updating? is there going to be a book 3?
09/04/2023 08:08Meaghan Prue
so now does osiris and kiya make love in the next chapter and they mark each other hmm interesting
09/04/2023 08:08Ms. Marii when you write your stories, I am always lost at the emotions of your characters. Like just now, I also felt victorious– and it's for Osiris! OSIRIS?! I also felt his obsessive love for Kiya. After reading, I realized this chapter could have been one of the most romantic scene I've read (I just need to take out the 'dark' aspect)👀🤭 I like it, Ms. Marii. Super amazing! Although, something horrible is sure to happen in the next chapters, this one is remarkable because of the way it was written. It's haunting... and hard to forget.
09/04/2023 08:08Meaghan Prue
I dont know about anyone else but i am missing my girl artemis. How lonely she must feel trapped in darkness it would have been awesome if onyx could have reached her when they were close.
09/04/2023 08:08Meaghan Prue
Marii please please for the love of your readers please that when osiris does get finished make his death so beyond painfu for him i couldnt care less about his past he needs to get a major dose of his deeds. this was so hard to read poor kiya she will be devastated when when she realizes what she is been used for
09/04/2023 08:08kittyXO
omg! it can’t end there!! I really really want them to finally be together! it’s like I have travelled this journey with them. it took me to the end to actually forgive Neron for wha he did, but I have forgiven him so hopefully Kiya does 2. xx
09/04/2023 08:08Rekha Martinez
I hope she can see the difference between her inner child and the person she now and not fall for evil trap. she need to make peace with it and forgive so she can move on. I want more chapters with her Neón. show them falling in love how he can be awesome to her
09/04/2023 08:08A M Archibald
how often do you update? I'm asking so I know what to expect with the amount of updates and when.
09/04/2023 08:07Noah Martinez
09/04/2023 08:07Thank you for the updates! Please continue to rest & take care of yourself 🥰
09/04/2023 08:07YES! Come on Kiya - fight!!!
09/04/2023 08:07As Avatar of the Moon Goddess can she access her full powers without her wolf?
09/04/2023 08:07Neron has proven beyond limits - he would die for Kiya 💜 This is what 2 or 3 times now. He definitely has proven his worth
09/04/2023 08:07Angela, Eric Allen, McCray
can you please unlock 🔓 the rest of the book 📚
09/04/2023 08:07Meaghan Prue
at last. there that conniving little worm is gonna get exactly what she deserves for all the people she has hurt
09/04/2023 08:07I LOVE how Ms. Marii made sure that "romantic love" would not be the main plot of Unhinged. ❤️ At the start, I was hoping that Kiya and Neron's would end up together, fall in love with each other as the story unfolds. That was despite the number of times Ms. Marii said, that probably won't happen in this book. I still hoped, and I know I am not alone hoping for the same thing. 😅 Now, I know why it might not happen. Surprisingly, I think I'd be more happy to see Jonathan trembling in fear and Osiris' huge downfall rather than seeing Kiya and Neron getting together. ✌️ I am now more interested at the adventure of the characters as they dedeat their own demons and stay sane despite the insanities around them. Because really, it's kind of hard to be in their shoes right now. 😳😁
09/04/2023 08:07Sherisa Weston
I love Jacqueline so much my goodness 😪😭
09/04/2023 08:07Rosemarie Carrillo
09/04/2023 08:07yvonne willis
marii when will this book be finished??i'm dying here
09/04/2023 08:07Meaghan Prue
omg marii just thought of someyhing please tell me nothing happens to diana too
09/04/2023 08:07Moonlight Muse
its going so so good there two chapters were amazing!
09/04/2023 08:07Mrs.Hyde
I'm glad for the updates I haven't read in a while just let them build up and then binge on them. Plus I'm reading so many books to get to my goal of 200 by December so it's nice to come here and find alot of chapters waiting after you've been away for a bit.
09/04/2023 08:07Saki J. Gibson
oh this is juicy! I pray Kiya come through for Neron because Lady S is crazy as hell 🤣
09/04/2023 08:07