Unhinged Comments

  • Christy G


    09/04/2023 07:23
  • Crissy Walker

    When will a new chapter be updated? Such a good book so far.

    09/04/2023 07:23
  • updates take sooooo long 😩😩😩😩

    09/04/2023 07:23
  • such a good chapter Neron seems to be redeeming himself still a lot to prove to gain her trust but he seems to be moving in the right direction..it will be a challenge for him to stand up to his father I’m sure

    09/04/2023 07:23
  • Lois Withers

    omg you are an amazing writer but youre killin me here lol I almost chucked my phone felt like I was watching true blood again lol awesome chapter

    09/04/2023 07:23
  • Ben Knight

    Hopefully next chapter drops soon. Am I the only one hoping she doesn't end up accepting him and she gets a 2nd mate? I hate when they get abused for years and accept the mate after a few months of being good to them. Forgiveness is ok but acting like their actions had no consequences in the end gets annoying. Neron can get anther mate or something but not Kiya. Give Darien to her after Odessa dies.

    09/04/2023 07:23
  • I think Osiris' mark prevents Kiya from figuring out her feelings for Neron. The spark of their mate bond fainted after she was bitten by Osiris, right? 🤔 Also, Is it possible that she's already in love but wasn't aware of it? 👀 She cried because she felt lonely, but didn't know why she was feeling that way. It's probably that "trauma won this round", indeed. 😭

    09/04/2023 07:23
  • I wonder if Kiya would want to kill him in front of all the pack members. I mean... If she would want to be seen after her revelations...

    09/04/2023 07:23
  • Reader-008277

    Do y’all really think Jonathon would be so foolish as to mess with Nikolai? He’s warned him and Jonathon agreed that he is no match for him. I think this is Osiris’ doing. I think he sent his demon child Cerubus to try to destroy them and take Kiya. I hope they kick his butt , kill him and send him piece by piece back to his daddy Osiris

    09/04/2023 07:23
  • Christine Londo

    I love it , but she too private he can probably help her but she won’t tell him she got bit!!! and because of you I found my love to read again!!❤️ thanks

    09/04/2023 07:23
  • Legend of Gru

    I read chapter 33 and remembered that you drew inspiration from one of the comments a reader posted, it was honestly quite lovely to read through and well executed. Kiya and the Garnet Moon Pack (I hope I’m correct, tend to get it confused sometimes) along with Neron and Raina should just leave. Neron’s pack is just plain toxic and it needs to be cleansed from the inside out. The people have been brainwashed and can barely think for themselves! Am I the only one who thinks that Osiris is a necessary evil to a certain extent????? 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 He’s a bit on the 🦇💩 crazy side of life however, by helping Kiya release her inner darkness and anger and rage, it’s helping her as long as she doesn’t lose sight of who she is.

    09/04/2023 07:23
  • Alyssa

    The part when Kiya’s mom was beating Darren with the shoe 👠 😂😂😂😂😂 I got a visual of when my mom used to hit us with a slipper😂😂😂😂😂😂!!! I love it!!

    09/04/2023 07:23
  • JamieHichew

    oh. my. gosh! 🤭🥺

    09/04/2023 07:22
  • Miasia Holleman

    I feel like I need hourly or daily updates..this one every few days is destroying my soul 😩😭

    09/04/2023 07:22
  • Pearl Minchew Phillips

    one chapter at a time??... really???..im out

    09/04/2023 07:22
  • Elizabeth Edmondson

    I'm ready for the interrogation to see how Neron reacts to learning his dad allowed people to do whatever they wanted to kiya. I suspect it will be the final nail in the proverbial coffin for neron tolerating his father anymore.

    09/04/2023 07:22
  • Rebeca G

    That was an absolutely fantastic update! :) I'm scared for kiya, though! If theres one thing I've learned from horror movies, it's never give advance warning when trying to leave a Murder House. Dont wait til morning kiya- run now! zircon moon is a hot second from descending into crazy death cult territory.

    09/04/2023 07:22
  • Lois Withers

    youre killin us smalls lol another great cliff hanger bravo 👏 can't wait for the next one😝😁

    09/04/2023 07:22
  • Lois Withers


    09/04/2023 07:22
  • Heard this before!! We're not hearing anything new, keeps going around in circles, scrathed record

    09/04/2023 07:22
  • Reader143637

    your so talented!!! love your work!

    09/04/2023 07:22
  • Berry Bear

    just let me say you are an awsome writer. i loved the first book and i even love this book more🥰🥰 My plan was to wait until this book is done befor start reading. because i hate waiting for new chapters. But i was to ecxited to wait.😅 I love the Arty/Onix chapter😊 Looks like the are a little more decisive than Kiya and Neron. Great Job☺ Canterbury wait to read more🤪🥳

    09/04/2023 07:22
  • Rosemarie Carrillo

    uh oh 😦

    09/04/2023 07:22
  • Pupu

    when will u give us next update ? 🥺 update a couple of chapters.

    09/04/2023 07:22
  • Glemmett Maylor

    I don't think Kiya should kill him. It will change her forever. She should find a way for him to suffer not die. Death is the easy way out. Lol I suppose now Neron will understand why she cleaves more to the innocent children and did not wnt him to touch her even during her heat.

    09/04/2023 07:22
  • Justmee

    I had a feeling you were going to update today. Yayyyyy!!! I'm so happy Kiya's family stayed by her side during the night. I think she needed to wake up intertwined with loved ones and body heat. That body heat is everything when you feel alone and broken. Ugh, that bite is driving me crazy though 😑🥴! Hopefully Osiris is next on the chopping block. Sleep on it Kiya no matter your decision we have your back. Thank you for another awesome update 🤩

    09/04/2023 07:22
  • ballen282004

    I can feel Kiya's emotions with every sentence. You had me crying from the beginning of Untouchable and cheering for Kiya by the end. Now you got me cheering for her from the beginning of Unhinged and crying my eyes out in what I'm guessing is the middle of this story. Patiently waiting for your next update...also if you are taking suggestions on how Tristan dies...dropping his private parts in a deep fryer while still attached to his body has a nice sound to it🤷🏾‍♀️. Also, what about Tristan's wolf? was he as corrupt as Tristan or was he like Odessa wolf?

    09/04/2023 07:22
  • Okay, I am sobber now. I hope Jonathan and that Elder are trembling with fear now. If in case, Kiya gets into trouble by killing Tristan, I don't think the Garnet Moon Pack would just stay on the side and watch. And definitely, Zircon couldn't win against Garnet, if they choose to wage war against them. On the other hand, Tristan and Odessa did attack Kiya recently. So execution is still valid on the grounds of: Hurting Kiya, being the Alpha's mate, and on the agreement thar Neron will protect the Garnet's Deltas. In short, Odessa should be executed too. Or be punished in the dungeon. And I HOPE Neron steps down from the Alpha Position... as this will create HUGE vexation to Jonathan.

    09/04/2023 07:22
  • ballen282004

    is Osiris the avatar of the Egyptian god Osiris Lord of the underworld?

    09/04/2023 07:22
  • Sherisa Weston

    Did i mentioned how much I love Jacqueline?! If she didn't already have a mate I wouldn't mind she and Kiya being mates. I just love how protective and caring she is of her

    09/04/2023 07:22
  • beautiful chapter! you really have a gift of writing. this really made me feel for Neron. Him and Kiya are two broken souls hopefully they can heal and come together. Love Diana she is my favorite lol

    09/04/2023 07:22
  • Junita Braithwaite

    I tried to post this before but I didn't see it pop up.... congratulations on having the top 2 selling books!!! 👏🏾

    09/04/2023 07:22
  • Starr Hawkins

    I still hate everyone in her old pack. I just can’t help it.

    09/04/2023 07:22
  • Albertina Mcclain

    this is so sad 😞. Kiya should leave that place, go back to pack that treated good. why hasn't anyone call her brother Alpha Anthony?

    09/04/2023 07:22
  • Pupu

    oh my god! the chapter is more intense now. when are we getting the next update ? I hope Neron does something brutal to punish the gaurd. and something transpires between Neron and Kiya.

    09/04/2023 07:22
  • "I want the pain to stop. Please, don't leave me alone again." 😭😭😭😭😭 Dear Ms. Author, in the spirit of Holidays, can you kindly please hasten up the updates so that by Christmas, we'd all stop crying too.

    09/04/2023 07:22
  • Esessanee Wallace Moten

    ok enough when am I go. a get the rest I want them to work please you cant leave us hangjng

    09/04/2023 07:22
  • MzDiva1987

    I cried throughout this chapter. Raina should be a shamed of herself. All of them should be.

    09/04/2023 07:22
  • That was heartbreaking. Raina needs to feel every bit of that guilt. I couldn’t imagine treating any of my little sisters this way. and to know that she could have done something....yes... feel all the guilt. I swear I am almost with Osiris, that pack needs to be burned to the ground.

    09/04/2023 07:22
  • hummmm interesting Diana keeps coming around lol l like her 🤣🤣

    09/04/2023 07:22
  • Jael Brown

    I just finished reading the first few chapters they were amazing. A few questions though, out of all the avatars he could have why does Osiris desire Kiya so much? Why can't Odessa just be happy with Darien? Speaking of Darien was he really that weak minded that he would be so easily influenced to throw away his friendship with Kiya? I also have to ask how often will you post updates, I am just curious but please don't rush chapters the story has an awesome flow that would be ruined if chapters were rushed.

    09/04/2023 07:22
  • Janet Bedford

    I need more chapters so loving this book

    09/04/2023 07:22
  • Victoria Clarke

    Hoping for new chapter soon, no pressure... 😂

    09/04/2023 07:22
  • Kira Galkina

    Love it! and agree with a few comments below about Neron and Kiya hopefully will end up together. absolutely enjoying reading. When is new chapters will be out? :)

    09/04/2023 07:22
  • Ashley Fuller

    Octavius...someone refresh my mom brain. I’m struggling to remember that name...

    09/04/2023 07:22
  • Jade Cross

    cliffhanger like none other... I'm so glad that kiya has not got this huge secret off her chest! with it now out in the open people can really see why she is the way she is around them and will open up so much in nerons eyes to just how much she had and is suffering because of what his dad had allowed. manipulation and pain is a huge thing to hold over people and that is exactly what johnathen did. neron is not a bad man he had the worst person to guide him in his grieving. it is something he has to live with and he knows that and there's only 1 person who can make kiya truely happy and I feel like she has already starting trusting him more then she could have planned to feel she can shout out her past to them all. she's falling for him unbeknown to her shes falling and I hope they do admit and mate and be a power pair to get rid of the only terror left in her life oiris! mind is making up its own ending here i need these chapters 🤣 thank you for such an emotional truthfelt story line. I was on the edge of the chair now on the floor waiting dear I say patiently?... x

    09/04/2023 07:21
  • Man Osiris is a jolly creep!! As for Odessa well, I can't wait to see her get her rocks!! Love this book. Thank you for yet another awesome chapter 👌

    09/04/2023 07:21
  • Stacy Jefferson

    I think the owl is the Moon Goddess watching over Kiya and trying to lead her to the Neron I think there bind is the only thing that can stop Osiris from taking over her completely. I hope she gives in to Neron soon it kills me to her fight their bond giving how much he is sorry for the he has done he clearly loves her.

    09/04/2023 07:21
  • Becky Strong

    ok I'm at the part were shes helping with the rock wall, is Artimas a boy wolf? have I missed something here..

    09/04/2023 07:21
  • Daisylion

    every time I come on and see a new update I get so excited😩 the story just keeps getting better and better😩😩

    09/04/2023 07:21
  • oouuhhhhhh girl 🥵🥵🥵 yes the b$tch is going down

    09/04/2023 07:21
  • Albertina Mcclain

    I can't take it!!! The chapters are too short and when is she going to work everything out with Neron

    09/04/2023 07:21
  • Jenn McCoy

    I am proud of what she did! he deserved it and then some. now they all know some more pain she went through! no one was there no one cared idk I am struggling staying on the good side because there is so much evil and unfortunately some can't be forgiven! Neron better go after her! I like them together but its hard because of how he treated her! I think they could be together if he just gave up alpha and moved his members that are not evil to her brothers pack! I think they would be great but I hate to say them staying there is a no that pack needs to burn to the ground and move on with those that want a brighter future!

    09/04/2023 07:21
  • yea Onyx!! loved that he showed up.

    09/04/2023 07:21
  • Taina Iosefo

    Oooooo yes finally someone has something about Odessa.. a feeling or intuition I love it Phoebe... so excited for the next update!!

    09/04/2023 07:21
  • Justmee

    My heart is pounding and I haven't read the update yet 🤭🤯😪

    09/04/2023 07:21
  • Rosemarie Carrillo

    You better GO Phoebe!!!

    09/04/2023 07:21
  • Jael Brown

    Is it me or does this story keep getting better. I really wish Neron didn't have to kill Odessa it would do much more if Kiya kicked her butt and then she was banished and rejected by Darien. I hate Jonathan and I really hope Neron is the one who kicks his butt for hurting Kiya that's if fate doesn't kill him first

    09/04/2023 07:21
  • Angie O'Flaherty Thomas

    I think Diana is Neron's mother's spirit watching over them

    09/04/2023 07:21
  • ballen282004

    Great update! I'm guessing Tristan is the guard who raped her while she was held in the cage? I wonder does anyone in the pack knows what he did to her? and is he going to be the straw that breaks the camels back for Kiya and she blows Zircon Moon up? Lots of questions and cannot wait to read more chapters!😍🥰😁

    09/04/2023 07:21
  • Bethan

    Waaahhhh. I just love every update. 🤯❤️

    09/04/2023 07:21
  • now can Neron look into his family history like his dad said so we can understand more why his dad is so obsessed, it goes beyond just Kiya being an avatar...

    09/04/2023 07:21
  • Yey! More more more (Codes too!)

    09/04/2023 07:21
  • JamieHichew

    love that they kissed!

    09/04/2023 07:21
  • Om my heart!!!!!

    09/04/2023 07:21
  • Elsa Rodarte

    good but too short of a chapter

    09/04/2023 07:21
  • Reader143637

    I hope Neron and Kiki make a deeper connection!!! and I have a feeling Diana is going to play a big role later down the road!!! love your book can’t wait to read more!!!!

    09/04/2023 07:20
  • Taina Iosefo

    OMG... this is totally crazy... Kiya shouldn’t trust anyone but her pack. Well maybe not Darian due to Odessa... I can’t wait for the next update.

    09/04/2023 07:20
  • I love the way you write, your plots and style, and most especially, the way you put details in the perspective of your characters. I like it a lot!

    09/04/2023 07:20
  • AZM24

    bahahaha (evil laugh) YES!! Odessa is going DOWN!!! oh yeah, I can’t wait for the next chapter!!...waiting impatiently for the next update, oh you and your cliffhangers

    09/04/2023 07:20
  • G.A Coppola

    this was a great chapter. the jealousy, the flashbacks, the guilt, the panic attack...all explored beautifully. I love your writing!

    09/04/2023 07:20
  • June Chase

    very nice chapter

    09/04/2023 07:20
  • HanaBana

    Wow! I'm loving this already! It did not disappoint. I'm so ready for more moments between Kiya and Neron, and little Diana! I hope Neron triumphs over Osiris.

    09/04/2023 07:20
  • Lyss

    I am so glad kiya and Neron are having some emotional moment and coming closer together. I am also glad that Neron is trying to do right by Kiya. Are we gonna see more between Artemis and onyx. I know that as kiya and Neron become closer so Will Artemis and onyx but it would be great to see their emotions from their point of view.

    09/04/2023 07:20
  • G.A Coppola

    loved the hair washing between Kiya and Neron. so happy they were able to have some intimate moments.

    09/04/2023 07:20
  • Lois Withers

    omg youre killin me smalls lol gettin good!!!

    09/04/2023 07:20
  • Nans Smith

    please put them together I kn he dont deserve her forgiveness or her heart her love but I kn that's y the moon goddess gave her a second life and she didn't want a2nd mate so the1st mate is where she belongs her heart can forgive she always just wanted her family&pack to love her she is meant to b that packs true Luna please

    09/04/2023 07:20
  • AZM24

    Great chapter, thank you for sharing more about Neron’s pain and suffering as well. He has come a long way and everyone deserves a second chance, if they are truly genuine about their guilt and doing everything to make amends. I hope they do talk and share another vulnerable moment with each other. I am pulling for Kiya and Neron...and Diana she is WONDERFUL 😉

    09/04/2023 07:19
  • I love cheese pizza too!

    09/04/2023 07:19
  • Reader-586470

    The book is great!! I just have to say that I am on Neron team 🙌. The forgiveness has to happen...can’t wait for another chapter.

    09/04/2023 07:19
  • rita lora

    Diana the owl is the moon goddess watching over Kita & Nerón right?

    09/04/2023 07:19
  • Jael Brown

    I don't know about anyone else but I am waiting for the fight between Odessa and Kiya to go down and I hope Kiya slaps that heffs into oblivion. As for Neron I see him slowly making strides to win Kiya's heart and that the fact he told that evil she-devil to take a hike proves it. Hopefully in the end they will realize how much they truly love each other.

    09/04/2023 07:19
  • yay welcome back!! oh i hate Odessa more already 😑😑

    09/04/2023 07:19
  • Legend of Gru

    Oooouuuuu, this Onx and Artemis relationship is beautiful ♥️ My single ass is squealing around like I’m the one in the relationship 😂😂😂😂😂

    09/04/2023 07:19
  • dee brack

    Can’t wait til it’s finished!!!!🙃

    09/04/2023 07:19
  • G.A Coppola

    so why doesn’t she feel the sparks anymore? is it bc of Osiris’ bite? is he her mate now since Neron never marked her? if so, I think this would be great bc she wanted to be loved without the bond so this may allow her to develop feelings without the sparks and see that her feelings towards Neron are genuine and not something she’s been made to feel.

    09/04/2023 07:19
  • Victoria Richard

    I think neron will see his wrongs and fix them for her and she will be with neron and together with true love not mate bonding love but honest true love they will beat osiris.

    09/04/2023 07:19
  • G.A Coppola

    ouuuu she was about to tell him! that dad and Odessa need to be put in their place and soon!

    09/04/2023 07:19
  • Nasteeha Hussein

    I’m feeling sorry for him and as humans we need second chance and he Deserve it

    09/04/2023 07:19
  • Thank you sooooo much. Finally, it's here!

    09/04/2023 07:19
  • Lynora Crawford

    I'm so glad to see this up now! I've been checking every other day since finishing the first one! I'm looking forward to what you bring to the story this time!

    09/04/2023 07:19
  • Alythrae

    I'm so glad this story is up! I have to know what happens. Odessa I'm sorry will have a ride awakening. I can't decide if I'm on board with the Kiya/Neron team, but definitely don't like Kiya/Osiris. I can't wait for the next chapter!

    09/04/2023 07:18
  • Sherisa Weston

    I am still not fully on board this KiyaxNeron ship. It seems like Osiris and Neron are going to be her main love interest so Neron would be better if that is the case. I just want Kiya to find love of her own will and not be tied down to this mate bond. I don't want her to feel compelled to Neron because of some mate bond. I can't wait until Odessa and Johnathan get everything they deserve for messing with Kiya. It is so upsetting reading about them.

    09/04/2023 07:18
  • Can't wait for Odessa to finally get what she deserves. Evil b... 🤐

    09/04/2023 07:18