Unhinged Comments

  • Jael Brown

    I knew it was a trap, I am ready to find out what this ritual entails. I really hope Kiya is not harmed in anyway. Neron and Anthy where are you?

    01/26/2021 13:16
  • Justmee

    Lawd, I'm more nervous now 😳🤔

    01/26/2021 11:06
  • Kelly Rohrer

    damnnnnnn I knew it 😞Come on Anthony, Neron, Raina and especially Diana! we need you to save our girl 💜💜

    01/26/2021 10:49
  • Mia

    Im really really disliking Osiris...Please let her pack find a clue to her wherabouts!!!

    01/26/2021 09:57
  • Cata Deveza-Yap

    I think he wanted to bring Amber back to life through Kiya.

    01/26/2021 09:25
  • Tammi Schane

    oh please send more. I need to know what happens. I really hope she doesn’t turn bad. and the moon goddess helps her.

    01/26/2021 06:31
  • Danny Terrones

    🥺🥺🥺I will have to take a break because I am broke.... I will come back when I get paid....so like in 2 weeks 😆😆😆😆 I may also need sleep.. been reading this non stop and haven't slept long 😆😆😆😆

    01/25/2021 18:38
  • Cata Deveza-Yap

    Can Diana lead them to where Kiya is? That owl is obviously magical.

    01/25/2021 14:45
  • Sherisa Weston

    I hope Osiris thinks on how Kiya compared him to Alpha Titan. That most likely won't change the way he is though because he is so hellbent on revenge and hating all werewolves when his beef should only be with Zircon Moon since they did him wrong, well not the current members but they are also corrupt. I hope Nadia and the man who helped Kiya and the other avatars are in fact alive

    01/25/2021 13:05
  • Sherisa Weston

    Hmm I keep having this strong feeling that Kiya and Neron are going to end up together and I am not sure how to feel about that. I am just mentally preparing myself for it. I don't hate the thought but I can't say I exactly love the thought either. I do love the books though 😆

    01/25/2021 13:02
  • Reader-695333

    love it. when will Neron Anthony and Diane show up to help safe the day?

    01/24/2021 23:37
  • Geraldine Ferraren

    Kiya got Osiris good with comparing him to Alpha Titus! the truth hurts.

    01/24/2021 20:53
  • Jael Brown

    I think this is a trap he is not going to let her go that easily. Someone has some prominent anger issues. How are you going to get mad at Kiya, Osiris for saying you are doing to her what Titan did to Amber when you are? I really hope Nadia and Lucien aren't dead, maybe they are hiding away from Osiris together. We will see how the story progresses. Thanks for the update Marii.

    01/24/2021 18:20
  • Yahaida Perez-Lemon

    so does she not have her shackles on or are they just magical bracelets? oh I hope she can escape but something tells me, it's not gonna be that easy! This story is SO good!

    01/24/2021 14:21
  • Justmee

    ----> 😳 Osiris was triggered from being compared to Titian? It's almost as if he doesn't see their similarities 🙄! He hasn't forced himself on Kiya, yet 🤔! However, everything else is still the same. He's a scary dude. Question, the cufflinks that he's placed on Kiya. Are they only used to keep Kiya weak? Or can he used them to summon her powers at his will? Lawdddd, I'm so nervous. Another fabulous update 🥳💥💞

    01/24/2021 13:14
  • Kelly Rohrer

    Why do I feel like this is a challenge and trap?! OMG Kiya please be carefu! I hope Violeta is close by along with Phoebe and her friends and family!

    01/24/2021 11:51
  • Nicolina LaCentra

    OMG! i hope she can escape! 😬

    01/24/2021 08:05
  • Brittney Allen

    @mari solaria great update as always! I am hoping you are well rested and high in spirits. been a fan since I came across this app. yours was the second book Untouchable, I came across and stayed up all night reading. crying my eyes out and screaming like these characters are right in the room with me. I can't wait for more chapters and more books from you. I put a lil a side each pay period just for this app. cause I love your books. Don't let negativity get you down. You have loyal fans that got your back and I'm number 1! 😆 😘😍😁😁 You get a movie deal let us know cause this deserves to be either on the back screen or a TV series.

    01/24/2021 05:56
  • Witchybird

    I read the prequel and this book within a few days. It was so addictive. I cannot to find out how this ends, hopefully a happy ish ending .

    01/24/2021 00:11
  • LuciAnn Lara

    I love this!!! I couldn't put my phone down for several days anxiously awaiting the next chapters please! ❤❤❤❤❤❤

    01/23/2021 06:39
  • Mrs.Coffee Lover

    I need the REST of the chapters please 😊

    01/22/2021 09:28
  • Ashley Hoyle

    absolutly love these books. you have some mazing writting skills and an amazing imagination. please keep writting. ❤💚💜💙💛

    01/21/2021 21:47
  • Shay Reece

    Marii Solaria your writing is fantastic!!!!

    01/21/2021 20:54
  • Claire Venour

    I’m very happy with these books Marion ,, I get so excited when there is an update ,, please let them be together with a happy ever after 😊😊😊

    01/21/2021 16:38
  • Bethany Watters

    awesome books! pls keep writing these. ❤️❤️❤️

    01/21/2021 14:36
  • Falina J. Ham

    is there a book 3!?!?!?! im in love with the books!

    01/21/2021 06:45
  • Justmee

    Lawd, I'm trying so hard not to snap on these negative Nancy's 😒🤔🤧!! Marii so many of us support your work. Keep doing you. Your talent speaks for itself. Let the trolls, troll! You'll never be able to please everyone. I personally hope you continue to bless us with your amazing talent. You have a group of amazing followers, myself included. We appreciate your hard work. Most are just jealous. They can't do what you do 😒🤯🥴! Some just want to knock you off balance. Receive the positive ENERGY your loyal readers send you 💞! I have plenty of coins and I want to spend them all with you. You got this 💪🏾👏🏾🥳

    01/21/2021 03:11
  • Reader-941387

    I love both books

    01/20/2021 22:35
  • Caroline J Hodges

    I love this read the author is very imaginative and creative, it is the first book I have been emotional about! I’m 100 percent invested in it haha! this is a brilliant read with amazing characters! I wish I was as talented to be able to imagine such things! amazing work 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽

    01/20/2021 21:08
  • Reader-018349

    I’m such a romantic. I know it would be a long road, but I hope Neron and Kiya end up together. I also hope that Neron, Valerian, Raina, Kwame, Lorelei, leave Zircon Moon and create a new Pack.

    01/20/2021 17:14
  • Aubrey Ahten

    Marii thank you for all the hard work and effort you put into your novels! You truly have a gift for writing and I hope you are in pursuit of a liberal arts degree of some kind because your work is a stroke of genius! Please ignore all the nay sayers that try to get a rise out of you, and you keep doing you! You have so many supporters and admirers that have and will continue to support your passion. And these stories clearly are a passion. Thank you for creating this world for us to lose ourselves into and I hope to see you published one day! You have such an amazing talent to capture an audience and have done what very few authors on sites like this can do, and that is be a true storyteller!

    01/20/2021 16:39
  • Gwendolyn D. Pough

    I think Diana is actually the Moon Goddess.....

    01/20/2021 07:55
  • Ryanrossfan

    Think of Armie Hammer. His victims had to undergoe intense psychiatric treatment, due to multiple claims from ex-girlfriends of his rape fetishes and fantasies. If the author perpetuates that Neron's previous behaviour is acceptable, she is encouraging toxic and abusive relationships.

    01/20/2021 06:00
  • Ryanrossfan

    Given this, I'm hoping that the author bucks the trend on this app, and refuses to pair a dominant abusive psychopath, who only wants to take advantage of Kiya's power, with Kiya. I amsick of reading books on this app, where the male romantic lead kidnaps and tortured the female protagonist, only for her to fall hopelessly and madly in love with him.

    01/20/2021 05:57
  • Ryanrossfan

    There is no such thing as forgiveness for an abuser such as Neron. It just leaves victims vulnerable to future physical abuse. In reality, if Neron's was an abusive partner, Kiya would be dead.

    01/20/2021 05:55
  • Ryanrossfan

    Honestly, Osiris is not the enemy. I would gladly see Neron and his father burn at the stake for all the atrocities they committed. Neuron is the enemy. It would kill me if Kiya and him end up together.

    01/20/2021 05:54
  • Tammi Schane

    I love this story I need to know what’s happening I can’t wait for more chapters. when are there going to be more??

    01/20/2021 00:16
  • Reader-008277

    Marii Solaria Marii, do you have more stories in print? If so how can I retrieve them?

    01/19/2021 22:30
  • Elle 🧿

    So many theories about who is Diana? She is mysterious that’s for sure. Is she Amber? Is she Neron’s little sister? Is she neither? Only time will tell, I can’t wait 😊. Another excellent chapter, thankyou Marii 😊.

    01/19/2021 21:35
  • kittyXO

    I love this story so much but the new chapters are very short tbh. I need more lol and I am so curious as 2 what the owls is? xx

    01/19/2021 16:04
  • Lexxxxx

    my guess is Diana is Nerons little sister. she had immediately warmed up to Neron while held back with others. that’s sibling love. while Kiya was her best friend. she would support them being together

    01/19/2021 15:53
  • Meaghan Prue

    Now is Nerons chance to prove to anthony that he means business when it comes to Kiya forget the resr of his useless pack except the ranked members. its time Neron show that his title doesnt mean crap he would give everything up including his life to see that kiya is back and safe from that poison named osiris

    01/19/2021 14:48
  • Sherisa Weston

    aww I love how Diana is warming up to Raina

    01/19/2021 14:05
  • Jael Brown

    Wow, I shocked that Neron openly admitted that he doesn't trust his pack with the exception of the Beta and Gamma families minus Raina's parents of course. I am really interested in seeing what he has planned for his pack. I was taken aback by Anthony's refusal to have Neron help him but can you blame him, his pack caused nothing but heartache and misery for Kiya. Corrupt witches, Cerberus and I am pretty sure there's an evil wolf in there as well. I can't wait, but I will for the next update.

    01/19/2021 13:52
  • Taina Iosefo

    Okay let the investigation begin people. Why can’t Diana help with the investigation? I am glad she stayed with Neeon and is feeling Raina’s love or spirit now. Is Diana Amber?

    01/19/2021 12:18
  • Justmee

    Onyx "You still are kind of" -‐---> 💀😂😂😂! Why did that make me laugh so hard? He never misses a chance to remind Neron that he's an idiot 😅😂😊! Diana... hum 🤔 I guess her role will be revealed to us soon. Thank you Marii for another awesome update💃🏾.

    01/19/2021 11:08
  • Kelly Rohrer

    Diana hmmmm she’s special ..... who’s spirit is she?? Amber is my guess. I think she will be the key to save both Kiya and Osiris.

    01/19/2021 09:26
  • Catriese Henning

    I think Diana is the spirit of Neron's sister.

    01/19/2021 07:38
  • Cata Deveza-Yap

    Could Diana be Amber? 🤔 I would like Kiya's biological parents to do the ritual in lieu of Raina. Maybe, just maybe this could redeem them, although I know they could never have Kiya back again, but at least she could forgive them. "She is a warrior, but she is always fighting."– Forgiving her parents would be one battle down. (Just a thought)

    01/19/2021 06:11
  • Cata Deveza-Yap

    Could Diana be Amber?

    01/19/2021 06:02
  • Cata Deveza-Yap

    I was wishing to hear from Neron. Yey!!!

    01/19/2021 05:48
  • Pupu

    I think Neron's mark on Kiya will only be able to defeat Orisis's mark. Neron , kiya and Orisis all had their own demons. Neron has taken responsibility to be a better person. I hope Kiya find the strength to treat the right path. Orisis had a pathetic past but that does not give u the right to be sadistic and cruel. how does one deal with broken past ? Learn from Kiya. Neron has failed Kiya but Onyx has never hurt Artemis. Art deserves Onyx.

    01/18/2021 18:51
  • Jessica Pye

    Oooh....I felt a little flitter in my heart for O but I pushed it away! HE KILLED HIS WOLF, no coming back from that! AWESOME AWESOME saga!!!! Cant wait for more but its soooo worth it!!!

    01/18/2021 18:17
  • Kelly Rohrer

    To the author ✍️ I just want to tell you that I absolutely love love love this saga! I have literally cried so much for first Halima and now Kiya. I catch myself going back and rereading many things to see if I’ve missed anything and I’m so glad that I had the opportunity to do so. Because even when I go back, even though I’m reading a few other books at the same time I keep coming back to these they are my favorite, I find things that I missed or have forgotten. I really truly believe and feel inside my heart that you could take untouched and unhinged and create an actual movie series based on these two books so far. I cannot praise your ability to captivate enough. Your plots are So well thought out and I very much appreciate that in a writer. that’s all I wanted to say! thank you so much for these wonderful books 💜

    01/18/2021 15:17
  • Meaghan Prue

    u guys I’m sure Maria has other things to do in her life. meanwhile read other books on this app too, but I’m sure she is going to continue to give more amazing content be patient

    01/18/2021 14:42
  • Rhonda Starks

    I hope that Selene would step up and don't let Kayia suffer from any longer. Take the bite mark off her neck. or give power to Neron so he could help Kyia and save the pack.

    01/18/2021 12:21
  • Cata Deveza-Yap

    For those who plan to demand rudely for an update, I STRONGLY suggest, DON'T post it here. Vent is elsewhere 😜 Do not disturb our girl. She won't take shits and would definitely clap back... which would just delay her more. I am telling you, if I don't get an update this week I will blame you.✌️✌️

    01/18/2021 09:32
  • Christi Smith

    is this book complete? I'm only asking because I one part it says complete and when I somewhere else on this site it says ongoing! I'm confused but that doesn't take much! lol This series has probably been 1 of the best I've ever read! I look a million times a day to see if there is an update! lol

    01/18/2021 07:18
  • Reader-367123

    absolutely loved the first book. had me completely hooked. I really hope Neron ends up with Kiya (crossing my fingers)! I can’t wait to see what this book brings.

    01/18/2021 04:29
  • Elsa Rodarte

    same answer as all the other writers that don’t update. you want to be a “serious’ writer? keep writing and stop making e uses. it’s why you’re ‘here’ and not writing a real book.

    01/18/2021 04:00
  • Jael Brown

    Oh wow some people are just so rude. Marii you take your time I appreciate and respect that you chose not to give us crappy chapters but good quality ones. It can't not be easy doing what you do and people forget there is this thing called writers block and the have to figure out what direction to move the story in. Take your time your fans aren't going anywhere and we will still be here when the next chapter or chapters get updated.

    01/18/2021 02:39
  • Cathy Schuler

    omg Odessa is the devil incarnated ugh

    01/18/2021 01:16
  • Patricia Montville

    I can’t wait until you update! I always hate waiting for new books or chapters to come out. I’m a read aholic! you’re a great writer, I hope you get published and I can own a copy of this book. 🥰

    01/18/2021 00:30
  • Cathy Schuler

    I lust read chapter one I think the owl is Neri.

    01/18/2021 00:03
  • Nathalie Iliana Van Kerckhoven

    Marii the people with a life knows you can't update every single Day. I am impatiant too Sometimes, cause your story is addictive like drugs (I think) . But pleas know that there are impatiant readers like me who has lots of respect for your work and your life schedule. Don't let these unrespectful readers make you angry, they don't deserve an answerd from you, especialy if they treat you like a robot or even like Shit. Read these positive reactions instead. You choose quality Above quanity, and that can we find in your Books. you doing a Great job and I admire your Will to give us a exelent read ... you give us hard work so we can have a good time... I admire that a lot.

    01/17/2021 23:31
  • Amanda Rains

    Marii, I would like to take a moment to say thank you for the wonderful work of art I have had the enjoyment of indulging in with these books. I get excited for the next chapter and cannot wait to read what's coming next. It saddens me when others cannot be more respectful, patient and understanding to the fact people need to have mind breaks. Or perhaps having children and a family or any other responsibilities besides 1. If this story teaches us anything, Love, Patience and Understanding is our greatest triumph to healing and choosing to have a better future and treat one another much better then so many do. Beautiful work!

    01/17/2021 21:20
  • Weeb Lord

    I feel embarrased, I lost my comment .w.

    01/17/2021 20:46
  • Weeb Lord

    Wait!... Is this like the next book of Untouchable?

    01/17/2021 20:26
  • Peggy Shrum

    I'm excited for this story to finish

    01/17/2021 19:05
  • Elsa Rodarte

    and before people say writers are busy/ have a life- dont start a freaking story then.

    01/17/2021 12:39
  • Elsa Rodarte

    I’m venting here sorry but I have stories on Dreame and here where writers don’t update. I wish these platforms made their writers update on time. it’s ridiculous.

    01/17/2021 12:38
  • Lois Withers

    omg can someone help me make up my mind on osiris I thought he was bad and wanted neron to straight up kick his ass but now I feel so sad for him and my heart breaks for him

    01/16/2021 21:14
  • Jennifer Quimby

    when will have more chapters? i need more, my brain will not shut off from this story. also will there be another book or will this be the end book? please please please send us more 😁😘

    01/16/2021 17:06
  • Reader-008277

    Nerons ancestral genealogy is dark and twisted and that’s by choice. As Nerons life unfolds from childhood to adult he has grown tremendously, from kind and loving to dark and twisted to kind, sensitive, patient, etc. The influence of both his parents had drastic differences in his character but when he became a man he made a choice shaped by his life’s events he chose to walk an honorable path, sorry, repentant making amends for past behavior and accepting the consequences for his errors. In my world that’s responsibility and he does deserve a second chance at a life with the true love of his heart, and yes he has/ needs to work hard moving heaven and earth to prove it because of the nature of his infraction. He is becoming the leader needed to change the course of Zircon Moons pack history into one of integrity and that’s another tremendous challenge. Kiya said she wanted natural love not the bond...looks like love for her with Neron is happening naturally without her realizing it and it’s beautiful. it’s my hope that the love Neron has for her will reach beyond the distance of mind links because it’s a much greater connection (spiritual bond) and it leads him to her. I hope she begins to feel him in a way like never before destroying the bond of the mark Osiris has placed on her and together they deal with him as a force like never before. Osiris is evil by choice and how do you overcome evil?... by doing good. His story is touching I’m sure there’s much more and I’d like to see a piece of him given back...maybe the twin brother comes back into his life and /or he meet his father or maybe a family reunion. Anyway I have hope for Sir Evilness.

    01/16/2021 16:20
  • Reader-008277

    Osiris’ ancestry has me more curious than ever as this story unfolds. Who really was his mother? Titan being who he was, I can’t see there being mercy for her allowing birth then banishment (life) plus him keeping the kids whatever the reason. She birthed in prison and then banished, who cared for them until they were able to serve in servitude? Was she his (Titan’s) sister? Why was she not immediately killed once her truth exposed? Why had Titan not mated? He was not balanced due to the missing mate and what is it about the white wolfs power that they seek to have and use but abuse and destroy the person who possesses it? If i recall correctly, Jonathon knew Halima was an avatar because she shifted once while a slave and he saw the wolf but kept her in servitude. Osiris’ actions are exactly like Titans up to this point aside from mating with Kiya. He has marked her without consent, which as she puts it is a beacon for him to keep up with her. He’s assaulted her pack (family) for his selfish gain and he’s smitten with Kiya because she reminds him of the first person he loved (Amber) who undoubtedly didn’t have the same feelings for him. And why do he need Kiya’s help in destroying Zircon Moon pack? He’s a big powerful avatar with goons why do he need her assistance? Kiya is Garnet Moon which greater blessings flow to because of her. Was Nadia his bond mate? if so it apparently had no affect on his madness. Osiris is/was rounding up all the avatars and imprisoning them to harness their power...for what? He made Cerebus from avatars that’s why it’s so hard to kill him.

    01/16/2021 15:43
  • Reader-018349

    Anybody else think that Osiris’s missing parents could be the original founders of the Garnet Moon Pack. The philosophy of helping all in need and accepting of different species to be mates.

    01/16/2021 14:54
  • Kish Kush

    I understand how she feels sympathy for Amber but not Osiris. He kidnapped her and forcibly marked her. He sent people to ambush her family and sent the man who assaulted her to torture her.

    01/16/2021 14:11
  • Elle 🧿

    Do we believe his story? I can’t wait to find out more about his human mate Nadia and what is the story either 👀. Great chapter as always, I’m just loving these stories 😊.

    01/16/2021 05:44
  • Omayra Seybert

    You are a magnificent writer : ) I love the different POV's and dialog.

    01/16/2021 04:14
  • Alyssa

    I re-read chapter 79 of Untouchable. I have no sympathy for that Osirius. He kidnapped those avatars, locked them in cages and forcibly marked Kiya. He is no better than Jonathan and his old alpha. He is evil and he also needs to die

    01/16/2021 01:38
  • Kirsten Burmeister

    i hope she won't follow osiris further into the darkness. nice twist how their stories are entwined - with history repeating itself in a way. very intriguing and good writing style (Although very dark and with "noticably" more mistakes in the last chapters).

    01/15/2021 22:40
  • Jessica Pye

    Hey guys! Im trying to find out if I need to read Unhinged next or the Halloween special first? I dont want to mess up my story line!! HELP!?!😘

    01/15/2021 16:14
  • Roza Pestana

    I don't trust Osiris. He is manipulating Kiya into doing what he wants. I hope Neron and the others find her soon

    01/15/2021 07:48
  • Geraldine Ferraren

    remember how Jonathan kept telling Neron to learn about their family’s history? it seems Selene’s avatars are destined to be at Zircon Moon with born into or force. looks like Neron and Kiya are meant to break the cycle of tyranny and create their own powerful offsprings.

    01/15/2021 02:32
  • Geraldine Ferraren

    Osiris had a touching story however I still do not like him. great update.

    01/15/2021 02:25
  • Janeth Pavon

    wow just wow how can I feel sad for Osiris.

    01/15/2021 01:35
  • Mihaela Vardianu

    If you ask me his story is not in place so I hope Kiya will not fall for that story

    01/15/2021 00:48
  • Yahaida Perez-Lemon

    awwww snapples!!!!!

    01/15/2021 00:45
  • Taniqua Ewers

    Part of me feels like Osiris is lying to get kiya to help him!! I don't trust him, but oooohh this is gonna be juicy. didn't he have a human wife in the last book? something isn't adding up with him and his story, could just be lack of info but I digress lol.... still don't trust his ass. he spends almost a century plotting revenge on zircon moon and not finding out what happened to his parents???

    01/15/2021 00:19
  • MirahLove

    why my twisted mind falling for Osiris now 😩 it’s clearly a true fact that I love bad boys 😂

    01/15/2021 00:12
  • Alyssa

    I need to re-read the last book when Osirius kidnapped the avatars. Something is not adding up. Where is Osirius’ mate? He had a mate in the last book. She helped the avatars escape

    01/14/2021 19:56
  • Ashley Fuller

    To think I hated Osiris just to learn this. He’s in pain for life because of his immortality. I think Kiya needs to find a way to show Osiris that Neron isn’t like them, and then Neron needs to listen to Osiris’ story. Destroy Jonathan because he will never change. Disband Zircon, Neron do what he loves, and let Neron prove himself to be his own man.

    01/14/2021 17:15
  • Taina Iosefo

    Okay okay... we finally know Osiris story.. but what he wants to do isn’t good. I get he’s pissed at Zircon Moon and mostly the Prince family, but it doesn’t mean to get Kiya to join him. She did only what he wanted her to do to Tristan. She was having Neron do it and he was okay with it. Neron knew what kind of person Kiya has become and didn’t force her to kill him. She had all rights to but she only did it because of Jonathan and also Osiris. OMG... I wonder where his mother and brother are.

    01/14/2021 16:26
  • Jael Brown

    Man chapter 46 had me all in my feelings. I feel bad Osiris had suffered through the same twisted, messed up fate that Kiya had to go through.It seems to me that the Prince has a.history of insane, deranged family members. They will acquire power through any means necessary and do care who they hurt along the way. That fucked up situation with Amber and Titan and how he forced himself onto to her got me wondering if Jonathan would do something like that to Kiya just so he could keep her around.Why did Titan take Amber from her pack and destroy it in the process? Hopefully he won't but who knows crazy runs in the family. I really hope you write a stand alone book about Osiris I feel like there is so much more to that story, and a bunch of questions have arised from his tale. Where did Osiris's brother end up and are his parents still alive, just to name a few. I hope Kiya doesn't chose to help Osiris, now don't get me wrong Jonathan and Zircon Moon signed their fate when they destroyed a child's life and they will suffer immensely for it but it shouldn't be by Kiya's hand. Osiris is immortal and he has been around for two centuries so why didn't he exact his revenge before now, or was he simply waiting around for Kiya and if show why? I will say this I loved it when Kiya drop kicked the 🐍 I hate them with a passion and this one in particular makes me sick. Great chapters and I can't wait for the next update.

    01/14/2021 13:49
  • Meaghan Prue

    also dont forget what selene said to Kiya make good choices and this isnt a gopd choice to be with him he is a demon

    01/14/2021 13:07
  • Meaghan Prue

    i dont feel bad for osiris at all i think he made it up to get kiya too pity him and be like him evil and souless he killed his wolf he has no mercy for anything or anyone so no i dont believe him he is a liar like the devil that he is

    01/14/2021 13:05
  • Reader-381524

    i did not see that coming at all. now I feel bad for Osiris and I never thought that possible. Great job creating such a complex villian and a great story! I’m loving it!❤️❤️

    01/14/2021 12:47
  • Sherisa Weston

    I wonder where Osiris' mother is and if his twin brother is still alive

    01/14/2021 12:37
  • Sherisa Weston

    Is there going to be a book 3 after this is complete?

    01/14/2021 12:28
  • Reader-018349

    I have to say these 2 books are so captivating I keep rereading them over and over again....so I feel for Osiris, but only a little bit because he has turned into the monster that Titan was. He has shown he is no better by taking Kiya and marking her without consent. I’m not sure of his entire plans for her, but it’s not going to turn out how he wants. As for Neron and Kiya, I went back and reread the chapter on when he asked Selen to remove his rejection and if you think about it, she never really did that. She said that what he does from here on out; that his actions and decsisions will decide the fate of their bond. Without even realizing it, Kiya is getting what she asked for as far a real realationship blossoming because she doesn’t know that Selen never fully repaired their bond. Neron truly loves her and is keeping his vow that he made to her to keep her safe and loving her with all he has, even if they’re not together. I feel somehow that he’ll end up making an ultimate sacrifice which will brake my heart cause I would love to see them be together. As far Zircon Moon goes, I think I Neron was going to disban it, but don’t know for sure. I think he should take the whole Gamma family, Val, Raina, and Adonis, the newer warriors and trainy pups and their families and start and new pack. Leave all the old families and the old Zircon to its fate. They should find a new territory and rebuild from the ground up and in the same likeness as Garnet Moon. If that happens I definitely see a future for Neron and Kiya. They can change the circumstances they were born into and make a new one for the better. Selen said Kiya would change the world. Last note, part of me feels like the Diana the owl could be Nuria watching over her brother and best friend, but we shall see. I can’t wait for the rest of this story and book 3.

    01/14/2021 12:24